Many fans look at The Legend of Zelda's title with confusion. If Link does all the work, why isn't his name in the title? However, Zelda has a few tricks of her own. She mainly dabbles in magic and misdirection. This makes her more formidable than Link in many respects. After all, enemies and fans alike never know what to expect from her.

6 Best Nintendo Princesses, Ranked

Nintendo has featured a lot of princesses across its sizeable library of games. These characters, however, are the best of the bunch.

Sure enough, gamers have seen some spectacular sights from their favorite princess. Her abilities often change the gameplay and reshape the world on a fundamental level. Not only does this often give Link a saving grace, but it keeps players on their toes. In some cases, they even get to play with these toys themselves. These times really cement why Zelda headlines every entry in this epic series.

6 Sheik

Swapping Personas Grants The Princess A Whole New Move Set

Zelda as Sheik in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

Nintendo 64 , GameCube
November 21, 1998

Zelda has many spells at her disposal, but this trick completely changes her skill set. In Ocarina of Time, Link finds a guide in the mysterious Sheik. This masked figure is adept at disappearing, using covert methods and misdirection to pop up when players least expect it. That said, there's something familiar about Sheik. That's because it's actually Zelda, who disguises herself to aid the hero in his quest. It's not the last time she employs this persona.

In the Super Smash Bros. titles, the princess can instantly transform into Sheik. Doing so makes her a master of martial arts. Her acrobatic abilities and vanishing acts would make ninjas blush. It's enough to throw any opponent off-guard. Theoretically, she could use the same technique to occupy other warrior personas. However, fans never see her take advantage of that possibility, thus limiting the power's utility.

5 Ghostly Possession

Stealing People's Bodies Means Wielding Their Power

Ghost Zelda in The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks
The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks

Nintendo DS
December 7, 2009

Zelda also accompanies Link in Spirit Tracks, albeit as a ghost. The princess's spectral form gives her a host of new abilities, such as fazing through matter and flying around the environment. The most useful perk is possession. She can body-snatch enemies to fight alongside Link. Granted, she can only occupy Phantoms, but it's still a useful gift.

7 Infamous Gaming Creepypastas

There have been countless creepypastas over the years, but these are the most famous ones yet

Taking over their minds opens another set of powers. Each Phantom has a signature skill. For instance, Warp Phantoms can teleport while the Wrecker variety can roll into a ball and smash anything in their way. Channeling these abilities elevates Zelda's powers beyond simple possession. Needless to say, she gets the most mileage out of her ghostly form.

4 Din's Fire

The Power Of The Sun Lies In Zelda's Hand

Din's Fire in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
Super Smash Bros. Melee

December 3, 2001

Originally appearing in Ocarina of Time, Din's Fire is one of Zelda's moves in Super Smash Bros. It's a simple fire spell on the surface. However, there's far more to this flame than meets the eye. What truly distinguishes Din's Fire is its versatility. After conjuring the flame, Zelda can manipulate it to fly around the battlefield.

It can collide with enemies at a distance or protect the princess from nearby attackers. In addition, it builds strength the further it travels, culminating in an explosion. This factor holds the potential for cataclysmic damage, especially if taking it out of the confines of the arena. With a little imagination, Zelda would create a projectile of nuclear proportions.

Zelda has Din's Fire in every Super Smash Bros. appearance, but the move is particularly useful in Ultimate .

3 Dragon Form

As Mighty As They Are, Dragons Can't Distinguish Between Friend And Foe

 Light Dragon in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

May 12, 2023

Standard in most fantasy fables are dragons. Zelda can fill this role herself in Tears of the Kingdom. After consuming the Secret Stone, she transforms into one of the mythical Light Dragons. In this state, she's virtually invincible due to both her tough scales and her ability to fly. On top of that, her essence can power up the Master Sword, making her a key part of the strongest weapon in existence. The sad part is that she can't consciously wield these gifts.

Zelda's dragon form has one drawback: losing all sense of self. While assuming this reptilian guise, she becomes an uncontrollable monster. She's unable to distinguish between friend and foe, and her inherent might is liable to destroy everything in its path. In some situations, that can be a saving grace. In others, it could seal the heroes' doom. Thus, the draconian power is a double-edged sword.

2 Evil Containment

An Ancient Spell Holds Off Evil Incarnate For A Century

Zelda and Calamity Ganon in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

Link may be the one to defeat Ganon, but Zelda at least slows him down. She proves as much in Hyrule Warriors and Breath of the Wild. The villain in these titles is Calamity Ganon: a shapeless, primordial malice set to scar the world. The only hope is to seal him with ancient magic.

The Legend Of Zelda: Zelda's Biggest Mistakes & Failures Ever

While The Legend of Zelda series is one of the most popular franchises for Nintendo, most of the games are caused by Zelda's many mistakes.

Zelda can channel such magic due to being reincarnated by the goddess Hylia. Praying at several divine shrines awakens this dormant ability. With it, she successfully seals Ganon. Defeating a Satanic being is no small feat, and it's even more impressive given Zelda keeps him contained for a hundred years. In short, she preserves the world from evil for a century. That shows the potency of both the spell and the one wielding it.

1 Healing

Sometimes The Greatest Gift Is Mending Wounds

Healing Midna in The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

GameCube , Wii
November 19, 2006

Restorative magic is always helpful in gaming. In Zelda's case, she once again calls upon her divine lineage for that miraculous mysticism. Multiple entries see her mend injuries, even for people on the brink of death. A memorable example comes when she heals the mortally wounded Midna in Twilight Princess. Granted, this technique sometimes consumes Zelda's own energy, but it's often worth the price. Plus, she usually has the judgment to use it responsibly. It's particularly valuable in this series.

Link doesn't have any healing powers of his own. To recover his health, he must drink potions, eat food, or utilize some random artifact. Acquiring these items can take a lot of effort, and each only has a finite amount. In contrast, Zelda can simply draw on her own essence for instant results. This makes her the most reliable means of healing and an incredible boon in the most desperate situations.

The Legend of Zelda

Created by
Shigeru Miyamoto , Takashi Tezuka
Creation Year