
  • Princess Peach has evolved from being a damsel in distress to a fleshed out and heroic character in the Super Mario series.
  • She is now a core part of the franchise, appearing as a playable character in various Mario titles and soon getting her own game.
  • A talented Nintendo fan has created eight unique artistic interpretations of Princess Peach, showcasing her versatility and sparking excitement among fans.

A creative and talented Nintendo fan is showing off their drawings of Princess Peach that re-imagine the character in eight unique styles. Princess Peach has been a part of the Super Mario series from the very beginning, being the damsel for Mario to rescue. Over the years, she's grown and evolved as a character. While she may have started as a more of a MacGuffin, she's gone on to become truly special, fleshed out, and heroic part of the Super Mario setting.

Princess Peach is now a core part of the Super Mario universe and has become more of a hero than someone that needs rescuing. She's a playable character in more than a few Mario titles, and soon Princess Peach will be getting her own game as well. She's also become a favorite of plenty of Mario players and the subject of lots of fan art. Now, one gamer is showing off a collection of Princess Peach art that displays different possible takes on the character.

RELATED: Why the New Princess Peach Game May Hearken Back to Paper Mario

On Reddit, user thekenpachi04 shared eight drawings of the Nintendo princess in different artistic styles. The drawings include Princess Peach as a Minecraft character, as an Among Us character, as a Funko Pop, and even in a darker style reminiscent of Tim Burton. Rounding out the different artistic takes are a Sonic the Hedgehog drawing, a pixilated Peach, a Simpsons design, and Peach from the recent Super Mario Bros. Movie.

The Super Mario fandom is certainly full of clever pieces of art. Recently, a fan re-imagined the Mario Movie poster in the Super Mario 64 style, for example. Still, thekenpachi04 has made something very special here, and fellow Redditors are responding with lots of praise and support. Some are discussing which of the styles they think is best and others are simply celebrating the whole collection. For their part, thekenpachi04 is taking advantage of the attention to point fans towards their YouTube channel where people can see the drawing process. Overall, the post has brought lots of joy and excitement to the community.

The celebrated princess is one of the most important characters in the Mario series, and Peach is among the best female blondes in gaming. Now, thanks to one talented artist, she's also a Simpsons character, a hedgehog, and several other cool things.

There may be some dark aspects to Princess Peach, but she's still a beloved Super Mario character and worthy of commemoration in art. Her diehard fans will likely be looking forward to her new game and, in the meantime, they can enjoy great art that shows off her possible range as a character.

MORE: Super Mario: Why Princess Peach Should Have Her Own Wario