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Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown features multiple side-quests for Sargon to experience during his time on Mount Qaf. Nearly all of these quests serve not only to expand and further the story, but also to provide a meaningful reason to explore every corner of the world. They also provide many of The Lost Crown's most important resources and some of its toughest challenges.

The Lost Crown's "Prophecy of Mount Qaf" side-quest is a prime example of all these qualities, providing players with a game-long hunt for Spirited-Sand Jars. This quest cleverly doles out rewards at regular intervals, instead of waiting until the entire task is completion. This keeps players engaged over a large swath of the game, and provides a great reason to close it out as soon as the opportunity presents itself. This guide will help players locate all 30 spirited-sand jars, which are spread across each of the game's many regions.

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Where to Find All 30 Spirited-Sand Jars in Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown


As mentioned previously, Spirited-Sand Jars will be found in every region of Mount Qaf, so there is no way to complete this quest until all regions have been unlocked. When the quest has been discovered, players will notice that the description in the side-quest section of the menu requires that only 5 jars be turned in to receive the first reward. This is how this quest plays out, with rewards being doled out in tiers. Technically, Sargon can return to the room where the quest begins every time he finds a new jar. However, the most valuable rewards are given out with every fifth jar found.

All Spirited-Sand Jars in the Lower City


There are a total of 4Spirited-Sand Jars in the Lower City region of Mount Qaf. They are located in the following areas:

Spirited-Sand Jar 1:

Jar 1 is located just west of the massive statue that Sargon traverses in the Lower City. The figure is seen clearly on the map, which serves as a good starting point for this task. Head west from the statue using the lower of the two available paths out of the area. Sargon will cross a spike pit, then come to what looks like a drop. Drop into the open pit, then dash to reach solid ground. The jar is at the end of this secret area.

Spirited-Sand Jar 2:

The second jar can be found by heading out of the eastern exit to the Haven and heading south. Looking at the map, players will see that they simply need to follow this corridor down several levels to reach the destination, which is marked on the included map. Players will need the Chakram Teleport ability to get this jar.

Spirited-Sand Jar 3:

The third jar in the lower city is found in the chamber directly beneath The Haven. Head through the simple traversal puzzle to find the jar near the western end of the chamber.

Spirited-Sand Jar 4:

The final Lower City jar is located in the far western section of the region. Look for the section on the map that is marked by two large figures flanking a door. This is found just before the Old Royal Road. Beneath this area is a large chamber that can only be accessed once Sargon has the Dimensional Claw. Once in the chamber, head to the bottom right section to find the jar.

All Spirited-Sand Jars in the Sacred Archives


There are 4 Spirited-Sand Jars in the Sacred Archives. They are located in the following areas:

Spirited-Sand Jar 1:

To find the first jar, head to the exact spot marked on the map above. Here, players will find the upper level of an elevator. If Sargon stands on top of the elevator, he can jump onto a platform that is above and to the right. The jar is there on a platform.

Spirited-Sand Jar 2:

To claim the second jar in the Sacred Archives, players need only go to the exact spot marked on the map. However, they will need the Clairvoyance ability to get through the solid purple blocks of energy that prohibit entry to the desired chamber.

Spirited-Sand Jar 3:

Clairvoyance will also be required to get the third jar. From the Temple of Knowledge fast-travel, head south to the area marked on the map. Use clairvoyance to drop through the ground, then slide under the wall on the right side. The jar will be there waiting. When first dropping, watch out for the two enemies lying in wait.

Spirited-Sand Jar 4:

The final jar in the Sacred Archives is in the Prison. To get in, the player needs to either get arrested and sent to jail, or defeat the Jailer and steal its key. Once inside, climb up the cages of enemies, then look along the eastern wall to find a wooden barrier that can be destroyed, revealing a hidden area. The jar is on a platform in this new chamber.

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All Spiritied-Sand Jars in The Depths


There are 3 Spirited-Sand Jars in The Depths. They are located in the following areas:

Spirited-Sand Jar 1:

The first jar is found near the elevator shaft that runs in the southwestern portion of The Depths. Look for a chamber on the map that has two gear like icons, then head directly west from there. Sargon will encounter an elevator shaft that he will cross, then fall through the floor into a small chamber. The jar is at the western edge of the chamber. Rush of the Simurgh is used here.

Spiritied-Sand Jar 2:

The second jar is found in the Catacombs area, in the southeastern section of The Depths. Sargon can grab this jar when heading towards the Pit of Eternal Sands. From the Wak-Wak Tree that sits in the middle of the path that leads between the two main sections of the Depths, head east and look for a split in the path that goes down. Follow that path to the point on the map in the image provided to find the jar.

Spirited-Sand Jar 3:

The third and final jar in the area is found in the northwestern section of The Depths, northwest of the chamber with the image of a person falling. The jar is actually very close to the Shallows fast-travel point, as players will see on the mpa provided. Simply head west and then north from the fast-travel point to find the jar.

All Spiritied-Sand Jars in the Hyrcanian Forest


There are 2 Spirited-Sand Jars in the Hyrcanian Forest region. These jars are located in the following areas:

Spirited-Sand Jar 1:

Players looking at the map will notice that the Lower City connects to the Hyrcanian Forest in two locations, with both areas running parallel. The first sand jar will be found by heading through the lower of the two chambers, which leads to a Wak-Wak tree that is visibile in the included map image. On the eastern side of the tree, look for a wooden plank to fall through. Land on the first ledge and look for a wall to destroy on the western edge of the corridor. Head into the new chamber to find the first jar.

Spirited-Sand Jar 2:

The second jar is accessed by heading up through the upper corridor that leads to the Lower City. Earlier in the game, it will be easier for Sargon to head north to Jar 1 and then head west along the chamber. Later, the top corridor acts as another passage between the two areas for Sargon to freely traverse. See the map for the exact location of the jar.

All Spirited-Sand Jars in the Soma Tree

There are 3 Spirited-Sand Jars in the Soma Tree region on Mount Qaf. They are located in the following areas:

Spirited-Sand Jar 1:

The first jar is relatively easy to find. There is a stone structure at the location indicated on the map. The jar is in the top right corner of the building.

Spirited-Sand Jar 2:

The second jar will require Sargon to have the Gravity Wings ability. After beating a certain boss in the Soma Tree region, players will find a large wolf has taken up residence next to the abnormal Wak-Wak Tree that had been infected by the Queen of the Forest. From the wolf, head east to the end of the chamber. Use the Gravity Wings to double-jump above the door and follow the wall to find the jar.

Spirited-Sand Jar 3:

To get the third jar, players must head to the exact location marked on the map. Here, they will notice an iron cage blocking any possibility of moving forward. Players will need the Chakram Shadow of the Simurgh ability, allowing them to aim te Chakram past the bars and enter the chamber. The jar is inside this chamber.

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How to collect all amulets in Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown.

All Spirted-Sand Jars in the Hidden Village


Lighthouse Traversal Puzzle Spirited-Sand Jar:


There is 1 Spirited-Sand Jar in the Hidden Village. It requires players to have unlocked the Fabric of Time, which means all other abilities will have been unlocked as well. Using the Fabric of Time, players can now reach the Hidden Village from the eastern section of Soma Tree, which sits out past the Soma Tree fast-travel point to the east. The jar is found at the top of the Lighthouse, which is the large structure that sits at the end of the Hidden Village. See the included image for the exact location.

To reach the desired location at the top of the Lighthouse, make sure to look at the western wall at the very top of the lighthouse. It will require Sargon to use Dimensional Claw with an explosive creature, to reach the outer area. This is required just to get to the lighthouse, so players should be comfortable with it.

All Spirited-Sand Jars in the Sunken Harbor


There are 3 Spirited-Sand Jars in the Sunken Harbor. They are found in the following locations:

Spirited-Sand Jar 1:

The first jar in the Sunken Harbor is found in a secret room off the elevator shaft that runs north of the Pirate Village fast-travel. The shaft contains two flat pallets that are powered by throwing the Chakram at the mechanism. Roughly halfway up the shaft on the right side, a chamber is blocked by a wooden wall that can be destroyed. The jar awaits inside the chamber.

Spirited-Sand Jar 2:

The second jar is found in the top left corner of the large chamber that is marked with spiked logs on the map. It is one of the easternmost chambers in the region, located north of the chamber that is marked with a bird claw. Simply traverse to the top of the chamber to find the jar.

Spirited-Sand Jar 3:

The final jar in Sunken Harbor is located in a chamber that extends down below the much larger chamber where the Pirate Ship (not The Lost Crown's Ghost Ship, but the place where the Pirate Captain is found) is found. There is a small wood piece at the bottom of the ship chamber that allows the player to fall through it, but it is disguised to look like a normal piece of flooring. Inside, players will find a non-boss version of the Giant Crab, along with the jar, that is located in the northeastern corner.

All Spirited-Sand Jars in the Raging Sea


There is 1 Spirited-Sand Jar in the Raging Sea.


The sole sand jar is located in the center section of the Raging Sea. As players are moving ahead, there will be a small section inside a destroyed ship. Sargon can move up inside the ship, where he'll find the jar waiting inside a difficult-to-reach chamber.

All Spirited-Sand Jars in the Pit of Eternal Sands


There are 3 Spirited-Sand Jars in the Pit of Eternal Sands. They are located in the following areas:

Spirited-Sand Jar 1:

The first jar is located in the large chamber above the chamber with the sealed pit image on the map. The proper chamber has what appears to be a small town image when seen on the map. At the bottom of that chamber, players will find a breakable wall on the western edge. The jar is found in the chamber behind the wall. See the map image for the exact location.

Spirited-Sand Jar 2:

The second jar is located in the small chamber just above and to the right of the Sentinel's Road fast-travel marker. This jar can be tricky to get, as players must use the Shadow of the Simurgh ability to trigger the final smashing snake, then return to the Shadow position created above it. If struggling, it's usually because this ability was not considered. See the map for the exact location.

Spirited-Sand Jar 3:

The final jar in the area is found in the western region of the Pit. Look for the section that is clearly surrounded by spikes; it is extremely hard to miss on the map. At the westernmost edge, there is a small chamber that contains the jar. Sargon must break a wall to enter this chamber, which is found right where the path meets the chamber on the map. It is impossible to miss if players head to the western corner. See the map for the exact location.

All Spirited-Sand Jars in the Tower of Silence


There are 3 Spirited-Sand Jars in the Tower of Silence.

Spirited-Sand Jar 1:

From the Wak-Wak Tree depicted on the included map, use the Fabric of Time to traverse east. The first triangle latch the fabric can catch will lead to a climbable rope wall. Look up to discover a climbable rope on the opposite wall which leads to the jar.

Spirited-Sand Jar 2:

In the center of the large chamber depicted in the image on the map, there will be a series of falling boulders heading down a shaft. The small chamber that contains the jar is tucked away in the western wall of the shaft. Follow that western side until the entrance is discovered. There is more than one shaft, though the one the player is looking for is slim, with cut stone walls on each side, as opposed to the much larger shaft that twists and turns between the caves.

Spirited-Sand Jar 3

At the point shown on the map, the player will discover a small chamber that is blocked by a movable wall. Use the Fabric of Time and Shadow of the Simurgh to get behind the wall and reach the jar.

Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown - The Moon Gatherer Side Quest (All Locations)

The Lost Crown players will get a chance to help the Moon Gatherer to bring back the celestial body.

All Spirited-Sand Jars in the Upper City


There are 3 Spirited-Sand Jars in the Upper City. They are found in these locations:

Spirited-Sand Jar 1:

The first jar in the Upper City is found in a chamber above the area on the map that depicts several hanging objects. It is found on the 'Night' portion of the Upper City, and is found exactly where it is depicted in the included map.

Spirited-Sand Jar 2:

The second jar in the Upper City is found in the chamber directly above the area that has the image of a globe when seen on the map. The chamber features improved archers who lock on to Sargon. This indicates he is in the right area. Head to the exact location on the map.

Spirited-Sand Jar 3:

Once Sargon has the Gravity Wings ability, he can get the third and final jar. Head to the far southeastern corner of the chamber that has the depiction of Simurgh's wing. Sargon can now use double-jump to reach the wall above the exit door, propelling himself up to the ledge that contains the jar. See the map for the precise location.

How to Complete the Prophecy of Mount Qaf Side Quest in Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown


Collecting all 30 Spirited-Sand Jars is the task required to complete 'Prophecy of Mount Qaf' in The Lost Crown. To begin the quest, Sargon must visit the chamber that depicts a large mural. This is found outside the eastern exit of the Haven. Drop through the first floor outside the exit, then head over to the eastern wall.


Sargon will see an alcove that features a bright light shining on a large chunk of broken mural. This is the signal that leads him to the correct chamber. In the chamber, there is a Spirited-Sand Jar that Sargon must break to begin the quest.

Collecting Rewards:

While every jar collected will technically allow Sargon to return to collect some type of reward, the best rewards are given out for turning in jars in groups of 5. This means there are 6 high-level rewards Sargon will receive during the quest. The rewards are given out in the following tiers:

Tier 1 (5 Jars): Soma Tree Petal x1, Time Crystals

Tier 2 (10 Jars): Holy Fire Amulet, Time Crystals

Tier 3 (15 Jars): Amulet Holder x1, Time Crystals

Tier 4 (20 Jars): Soma Tree Petal x1, Time Crystals

Tier 5 (25 Jars): Damascus Ingot x1, Time Crystals

Tier 6 (30 Jars): Soma Tree Flower x1, Time Crystals, Quest Completed, 'Written in the Sand' Achievement/Trophy.

Prince of Persia The Lost Crown
Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown

Prince of Persia
January 18, 2024
Ubisoft Montpellier
Action , Platformer , 2D