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You might assume that a game like Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown wouldn’t require a complex save system, and you’d be correct. However, saving your progress in this action-adventure platformer is more crucial than you might imagine. It can mean the distinction between investing 10 minutes in traversing back to the quest zone and an immediate respawn in the mission area. With that being said, here’s a comprehensive guide on saving your game in The Lost Crown.

How to Save in Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown

how to save progress in prince of persia the lost crown.

To save your progress manually, interact with a Wak-Wak Tree. These are the gleaming trees scattered throughout the map, restoring your Health and Athra. Engaging or conversing with these mythical entities triggers an auto-save, preserving your progress.

Additionally, an auto-save is activated when you switch biomes. The game automatically records your advancements as you navigate the map and transition between locations.

The glowing tree icon in the bottom right corner indicates an auto-save is happening. To safeguard your progress, refrain from exiting the game or turning off the console until the icon disappears.

How to Create Checkpoints

auto save icon in prince of persia the lost crown.

In case of a Game Over, you will be spawned at the last Wak-Wak Tree you interacted with. So, to create checkpoints, activate or talk to a nearby tree.

In Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown, you respawn where you died, provided you have enough HP. When your Health Bar is depleted, you see the “Game Over” screen and start at the previous checkpoint, which is always a Wak-Wak Tree.

As a rule, save your game before tackling difficult platforms or fighting challenging enemies. This ensures you will restart at a neighboring location and won’t have to parkour your way back to the quest zone.

Can You Save Scum?

Prince of Persia The Lost Crown - How to Upgrade & Carry More Healing Potions

Prince of Persia: The Lost Crowndoesn’t support save-scumming, meaning you can’t generate separate save files to reload in case of failure or for different outcomes. Due to the reliance on an auto-save feature, you can solely establish checkpoints at Wak-Wak Trees and restart from there.

Fortunately, this progression system is less punishing compared to similar games. In The Lost Crown, dying doesn’t result in losing your inventory; there’s no need to revisit your last spawn point to retrieve items. So, the absence of save-scumming doesn’t adversely impact the gameplay experience.

You may lose a couple of Time Crystals whenever you die. But the loss won’t be significant.