Table of contents

Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown takes place on Mount Qaf, which was home to King Darius. In the present time, the place is inhabited by mythological creatures, most of whom are dangerous and waiting to pounce on players. So, it is absolutely important to stay on guard and keep a close eye on Sargon's equipment.

Aside from Sargon's swords, bows, and Chakram, there are more crucial items that players need to get ahold of, namely Amulets. These objects are attainable by different means, with some requiring defeating enemies. Others can be bought from merchants.

Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown - Minimum PC Requirements

Ahead of its launch, Ubisoft has revealed the minimum PC requirements for Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown.

Best Early Game Amulets In The Lost Crown

Prince of Persia The Lost Crown Best Early Game Amulets

There are many types of Amulets in The Lost Crown that have different effects on Sargon. Some of them increase his overall health, while others improve his resistance to certain attacks. Having the right Amulets on Sargon can drastically improve the playthrough. So, it is important to equip these Amulets. Players can find the best Amulets to give Sargon early in The Lost Crown in the table below:





Blade Dancer

  • Land a fourth attack at the end of a standard combo.


  • Extremely useful for combat.


  • Slightly increased max health. The additional health boost can only be regenerated at Wak-Wak Trees.


  • Additional health is priceless in the early game, especially because Sargon only has three health bars.

Prosperity Bird

  • Hear a special sound when near a treasure chest or a hidden item.


  • Considering the enormous map, it is a great way to save time and find new items.

Four Royal Stars

  • Slightly increases all melee damage in the air.


  • Sargon goes airborne many times, making this a perfect choice for dealing with aerial enemies.

Arslan's Glory

  • Slightly increase melee attack power while in full health.


  • Highly situational, but the overall increase in damage can be used to complete levels faster.

Depending on their playtime and skills, players should be able to find and collect the aforementioned Amulets in next to no time. After equipping the best early game Amulets to Sargon, the pace of progression will be quicker.

How Many Amulets an You Equip In The Lost Crown?

There are a whopping 38 Amulets in the game, but Sargon cannot carry all of them at the same time. So, players have to be careful with their choices. In the beginning, Sargon will only be able to carry no more than a couple of Amulets, but the limit increases after finding Amulet Holders.

If players want to switch their Amulets, they will have to go to a Wak-Wak Tree to do so.

Prince of Persia The Lost Crown
Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown

Prince of Persia
January 18, 2024
Ubisoft Montpellier
Action , Platformer , 2D