Prey can be quite a challenging sci-fi game on the first playthrough. There's a lot that new players can miss, and some areas might even feel too difficult to get into. The stakes are always high, and on a player's first run, Morgan Yu always feels just one step behind in power compared to the Typhons. Considering this, it's a good thing the New Game Plus feature was introduced.

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Plenty of players may want to dive back into the story and finish side quests they were curious about. Now, they can do so without the annoyance of leveling and developing their character from scratch. However, there are a few other details gamers should know about the New Game Plus feature before they dive straight into it.

4 Replay The Last 5 Minutes

Prey Save Game Menu

In order to start the New Game Plus, the game loads up the last 5 minutes of the latest autosave the player has. This might be surprising for some players, but it's actually normal and ensures that the transition is a bit more seamless while playing.

With this in mind, make sure that once the game has been completed once, the player does not delete any autosaves. This will obviously tamper with any in-game progress as well, and make it impossible to even start the New Game Plus save in the first place.

3 Players Regain All Unlocked Neuromods

Prey Morgan's Office Viewed From Top Down

One of the main features of New Game Plus is the wonderful ability to get all of Morgan's already unlocked Neuromods back at the start of the game. This means that players will have access to the same Neuromods they had at the end of their initial playthrough, rather than having to unlock them all again.

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However, these Neuromods won't be there by default instantly. In order to get them, Morgan needs to return to their office and check their office safe for a Psychoscope. Otherwise, players can also unlock Morgan's Neuromods when they first enter Psychotronics, and unlock the Psychoscope naturally through the story. This can be a nice alternate and a bit more challenging way to unlock previous Neuromods, in order to have a tougher and more challenging time in the beginning of New Game Plus.

2 Players Don't Get Back Any Gear And Weapons

Prey Silenced Pistol Official Artwork

An aspect of the New Game Plus that might be annoying and surprising is that none of Morgan's general inventory gets carried over to the new save. Anything in the player's inventory won't be there when starting a New Game Plus. This includes vital items such as weapons, crafting materials, consumables, and upgrade kits. Players will have to build their inventory back up again.

This also means that players must unlock and find all of the the weapons and weapons uprades again. A good rule of thumb is to just remember that whatever research and Neuromod-related knowledge Morgan has, will carry over in New Game Plus. The rule also applies to suit chipsets, which won't be available in New Game Plus by default.

1 Why Play New Game Plus?

Prey Alex Yu Handing Morgan Yu A Keycard

With all that said, some might wonder what is the point of playing the game again on New Game Plus. There's roughly two reasons that make this a pretty valid choice. Firstly, New Game Plus is the perfect way to actually complete all the pesky side quests of Prey. There's quite a few of these missions, and the first time around they can feel incredibly difficult to finish.

The second reason is to unlock new endings and paths. Depending on Morgan's choices throughout Talos-I, the ending of the game will differ. There are a few side quests in particular that will affect the way Morgan's actions are perceived towards the end. Players who opted out of Psionic aptitudes can also choose to play New Game Plus to give them a shot by unlocking some Typhon powers this time around. This will also significantly alter the ending and how the story ultimately pans out. Some events will also be triggered more often if Morgan chooses Psionic aptitudes. All in all, the New Game Plus mode makes replaying Prey a more satisfying and interesting experience.

NEXT: Prey: 10 Best Weapons, Ranked