Capcom has quite the 2023 ahead of itself. At the end of January, Monster Hunter Rise is set to come to PlayStation and Xbox for the first time. In March, the highly anticipated Resident Evil 4 Remake is releasing. In April, the Mega Man Battle Network: Legacy Collection is set to launch, while in June, Street Fighter 6 will make its debut -- and that's only everything that has an official release date, with dinosaur-exosuit game Exoprimal also set to release this year. But while Capcom has a lot on its plate already, there's always room for more, and it's about time fans got to see more from Pragmata.

First revealed back in June 2020, Pragmata seems to be some sort of sci-fi adventure game from Capcom. Despite being first announced almost three years ago, Pragmata is still shrouded in mystery, with just one trailer giving fans any indication of how the game might play and what its core story beats are. However, it's one exciting trailer, and it offers plenty of cryptic material for speculating about what it could be when it's finally released.

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Everything Announced About Capcom's Pragmata So Far

pragmata reveal trailer

Pragmata's first and only trailer is filled with intrigue, intensity, and plenty of Sci-Fi gadgetry to keep fans firmly on the hook for the last few years. This debut trailer opens up with the familiar sight of New York City's Times Square, though it seems to be abandoned, with empty cars filling up the streets. A lone astronaut figure walks through the empty roads, stops, and reaches around to their high-tech backpack.

After pulling out several cylindrical components, the astronaut builds a small pistol, and fires it into the air, releasing a swarm of cybernetic spores that reveal a girl's outline. The camera then cuts to a girl who's accompanied by a really off-putting half-cyborg cat, who seems to have the head of a robot but the skeletal body and organs of a real cat, with a projection of a regular cat plastered over the top of it all.

The astronaut finds the girl, and as they do the sky above them starts to glitch as if it were a screen, and as it shuts down a satellite crashes through the skyline. The city's plethora of empty cars, lampposts, and signs all begin to lift off the ground, with the girl and astronaut being taken up with them. In an attempt to reach the girl, the astronaut uses some kind of green-colored jet burst that propels them through the sky. To try and avoid a collision with the satellite, the astronaut once again reaches into their backpack to craft some kind of device, this time firing out a green net. The two continue to ascend, eventually going out of the city's skyline, and landing on the actual moon, with the Earth in front of them.

While only one full trailer for Pragmata has been revealed so far, it gives fans a surprisingly solid look at the game's narrative, and potentially its gameplay too. It's clear that there's been some kind of cataclysmic event and this girl could either be the cause of it, or the Earth's savior, or maybe both. After the first trailer was released, Capcom did mention that the game has dystopian themes, which is evidenced by the abandoned city and the trailer's slightly desperate tone. The game will also be set in the "near future," so any kind of Sci-Fi technology used or seen in the game won't be too advanced.

The astronaut crafting weapons and tools in the trailer could be a hint at the type of gameplay Pragmata might have, requiring players to piece together components to progress. According to Capcom, Pragmata will be an action-adventure game set on the moon itself, so players should expect plenty of open-ended exploration and action set pieces centered around space.

Aside from that, little else is really known about the game. According to Pragmata's official description on the Xbox storepage, Capcom plans for this new IP to be the start of a lucrative franchise for the publisher, becoming "one of its core brands." So, it seems as though Capcom has a lot riding on this release. Capcom is also very clear in Pragmata's marketing that the game will only be coming to next-gen consoles and PC, so unfortunately those on PS4 and Xbox One won't be able to play. Though it was originally slated for a 2022 release, Pragmata was delayed in November 2021, with its release date being pushed back to 2023. Hopefully fans will get to hear about the game again soon.

Pragmata is slated to release in 2023 on PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S.

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