For decades, Capcom has been thriving off IPs like Resident Evil, Monster Hunter, and Devil May Cry. With Pragmata, the studio is hoping to tread new ground. With its gorgeous visuals and dystopian futuristic environments, gamers are already curious to know what the studio is brewing. However, developers have kept their lips sealed, which has only added to the game's mystery. In this way, the game resembles Death Stranding, which also utilized mystery in its marketing.

Pragmata has been delayed, though Capcom assures gamers that steady progress is still being made. Gamers are itching to find out more about the little girl, astronaut, and holographic cat that have appeared in trailers. It also remains to be seen what kind of gameplay Pragmata features.

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What Is Pragmata?

pragmata reveal trailer

Gamers got their first glimpse of Pragmata during Sony's reveal of the PS5 in 2020. To say the reveal trailer is enigmatic is an understatement. It features an astronaut in a hi-tech, futurist spacesuit. They walk through an empty urban environment with cars left abandoned, seemingly searching for something. Moments later, they fire a gun into the air that releases strange confetti. There is also a little blonde girl with blues who appears lost. Beside her is a holographic cat whose organs are visible. When the astronaut and the girl meet, they are thrust into outer space. The game, with its almost photorealistic visuals, has intrigued gamers. It has also drummed up attention because it is Capcom's first new IP in almost a decade. However, gamers have gotten precious few details regarding what it is about or what kind of gameplay it boasts.

Capcom has revealed that Pragmata is a sci-fi game set on Earth's moon. Despite the lack of substantial news, the studio has also confirmed that progress is being made on the game. In a report, it mentioned that the game is being headed by new developers. The motivation for this is the belief that "the youthful sensibilities of digital natives adds a new appeal to IP." Although the game was originally slated for a 2022 release, a very brief Pragmata trailer featuring the little blonde girl revealed that the game has been pushed to 2023.

Although the mystery surrounding Pragmata is frustrating to many, it could also be considered its strong point. The lack of information has kept gamers wondering what the game could be about. The trailer has been analyzed for clues, and gamers have attempted to guess what the gameplay might be like. Pragmata has also been compared to Kojima Productions' Death Stranding, another enigmatic title that made use of unconventional marketing.

Parallels Between Pragmata and Death Stranding

kojima productions ludens

There are a few similarities between Pragmata and Death Stranding. Both games feature heavy sci-fi themes. When the astronaut in Pragmata was first seen in the reveal trailer, some gamers believed it to be the "Ludens" mascot from Kojima Productions. Most notably, both games were introduced through very eccentric trailers. When Death Stranding was first shown to the world in 2016, it was through a trailer set to Low Roar. Gamers saw Sam Bridges, played by Norman Reedus, naked and washed up on a beach with black sand. On his wrist was a set of handcuffs and there wasn't any clue regarding what kind of gameplay gamers could expect. As time went on, gamers got a little more information, though even after the game's release, a lot of players still aren't quite sure what the game is about.

It appears that 2023 will be a busy year for Capcom. In addition to Pragmata, there is also the VR port for Resident Evil 8 lined up, as well as Resident Evil 4's remake. While Pragmata may not have Kojima behind it, it does seem like it will be a game that subverts expectations and revels in leaving players scratching their heads. As its release draws nearer, gamers will likely get more information about this strange title.

Pragmata is slated to release in 2023 on PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S.

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