Since most video games take place in fictional worlds, it isn't uncommon for gamers to bear witness to some incredibly powerful characters while playing a game. Depending on the genre, these characters can possess a variety of different abilities, but they aren't always required to like the powers they have been given.

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Some video game characters regard their powers as curses and thus have come to hate them. Even when certain abilities can be considered miraculous, these select few characters would rather they had never received them.

5 2B - NieR: Automata

2b virus nier automata

Set in a post-apocalyptic version of Earth, NieR: Automata follows two androids named 2B and 9S on their journey to rid the planet of the Machine lifeforms that drove humanity to the Moon. On their quest, however, they encounter more obstacles than just the Machines and are often dragged into sinister situations as a result. During their time together, 2B and 9S grow to think fondly of each other, but 2B seems much fonder of 9S than he is of her.

Though the player will need to unlock each ending of the game to uncover why, the reason why 2B cares for 9S so much is that her actual designation is 2E, which means she is an Executioner model tasked with exterminating 9S if he ever gets too close to uncovering the truth about YoRHa. Because of this, she has been forced to kill 9S multiple times, but 9S has always managed to return, albeit without his memories. 2B is an extremely powerful android, but she despises both her designation and the powers YoRHa gifted her because of what they require her to do.

4 Ellie - The Last Of Us: Part 2

Ellie in The Last of Us 2

Set five years after the events of the previous game, The Last of Us: Part 2 follows Ellie on her quest to avenge Joel's death. To do this, she sets off on a perilous journey to Seattle to find Abby, only to learn that Abby isn't the only threat standing in her way. Though it takes some time for Ellie to realize, Abby sought to kill Joel because of what he did to her father, the surgeon who was meant to extract the Cordyceps from Ellie's brain.

Unlike everyone else she meets on her journey, Ellie is immune to the Cordyceps Virus and cannot become infected, even when she is bitten. As a result of this, she spent most of her life feeling guilt for those who died for her, but she eventually came to accept her immunity in the hope that it might one day lead humanity to discover a cure. When Joel killed the only surgeon able to create a cure, however, Ellie felt her immunity no longer had a purpose. Ellie is an incredibly powerful character, both physically and emotionally, and though most would consider her immunity to be her greatest power, Ellie detests it.

3 Roxas - Kingdom Hearts 2

Kingdom Hearts 2 Roxas weilding the Keyblade

Though current fans of the series will likely consider Roxas one of the most powerful Keyblade wielders in the Kingdom Hearts series, he played a completely different role in Kingdom Hearts 2. Before getting to play as Sora in this title, players must take control of Roxas and slowly learn who he is over the course of his seven days in Twilight Town. On the first day, he learns how to summon the Keyblade, a remarkable weapon capable of opening doors and destroying the darkness.

During Kingdom Hearts 2's tutorial segment, Roxas grows accustomed to the Keyblade and uses it quite frequently throughout. Sadly, his connection to the Keyblade makes him a target, which in turn threatens his very existence. He slowly begins to realize that he is not his own person and that, for Sora to return, he must accept his fate and fade back into where he came from. On his final day of summer vacation, Roxas' anger becomes untethered, and he lashes out whenever his individuality is called into question. He comes to despise the Keyblade and what it means for him and how it makes him feel, but sadly, the only way to be rid of it is to fade away.

2 Jecht - Final Fantasy 10

Jecht transforming into the Final Aeon in Final Fantasy 10

During the opening of Final Fantasy 10, the only thing players learn about Jecht is that his son, Tidus, detests him. Throughout the story, the reason why begins to reveal itself, but before Tidus can continue marching down his hate-filled path, Auron informs him that Jecht became Sin, a gargantuan monster that has been terrorizing Spira for one-thousand years. It takes some time for Tidus to accept this information as fact, but when he does, he vows to free Jecht from Sin's grasp.

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Upon becoming a Fayth, Jecht was used to defeat Sin ten years before the events of Final Fantasy 10. Though he had hoped to defeat Sin permanently, Yu Yevon emerged from Sin's body and took control of Jecht. Due to this possession, Jecht grew to become a world-destroying beast who had very little control over his own body. He hated being Sin so much that he forced Tidus to bear witness to his actions, solely in the hope that he could convince him, his only son, to kill him.

1 Baldur - God Of War


As the son of Odin and Freya, it makes sense for Baldur to possess baffling abilities in God of War. For the most part, he likes being a god because of the power it grants him, but he eventually comes to despise the power he possesses when his mother, Freya, casts a curse on him.

Freya saw a vision in which Baldur died a "needless death," and to ensure the vision never became a reality, she created a curse to shield Baldur from harm. Though receiving this curse may have granted Baldur complete invulnerability, it also left him unable to feel anything, which eventually sucked all the joy out of his immortal life. He spent one-hundred years suffering under this curse until the climax of God of War, where Atreus managed to break the curse with a mistletoe-tipped arrow. Vulnerable for the first time in a century, Baldur lost what was left of his mind before Kratos was forced to kill him, but's hard to ignore how relieved he was.

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