Potionomics features a vibrant world rich with unique design and engaging mechanics, but its colorful characters are what sets it apart from other indie games. Throughout gameplay, the player gets to meet a variety of personalities, each one brimming with character and their own unique charm. Not only do they get to grow relationships with each character, but they also get to choose their own play style through deck building influenced by those they meet along the way.

Players must use the haggle mechanic to sell their potions to a variety of denizens of the surrounding town. Whether one sinks or swims depends on how masterfully their deck is crafted using a variety of cards obtained throughout gameplay, while the utility of those cards reflects the personality and perspective of their associated character. Game ZXC talks with studio co-founder Aryo Jati Darmawan and writer/narrative designer Nick Eliopulos about the relationship mechanic and how it affects the course of gameplay in Potionomics, available to play now on Steam.

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Potionomics: Romance is on the Cards

potionomics saffron sylvia dialogue options

Potionomics offers over 20 unique characters who will prove instrumental to the protagonist, Sylvia, on her journey in becoming a successful potions witch. Each character has their own colorful personality that's full of individual traits, mannerisms, and different ways to approach negotiation. These quirks will ultimately rub off on Sylvia over time in her own style of haggling. Darmawan likens this affect on Sylvia to how friends pick up on each other's quirks given enough time together.

"In a way, this emulates the experience of picking up your friend’s mannerisms as you hang out with them more and more."

In order to gain access to more and more cards, the player must navigate Sylvia's relationships with the cast of characters in the game through a variety of methods. As Sylvia's rank levels up, she will gain access to different dialogue options with each individual. Choosing the right response will further each relationship regardless of the choice, but some more flirtatious options will open up the door for players to romance their favorite characters. Additionally, Sylvia has the option to gift items to the characters and giving them their favorite ingredients can help develop the relationship even further.

Relationships in Potionomics Affect How Players Build Their Card Decks

potionomics luna sylvia dialogue options

One quality of Potionomics that makes it stand out mechanically is the ability to change Sylvia's approach to haggling by building a personal deck that reflects the player's chosen play style. Depending on the characters the player chooses to advance their relationship with, they will have an arsenal of cards at their disposal. Decks will vary from player to player and will ultimately influence who Sylvia becomes as a shopkeeper throughout the game.

The cards given to Sylvia through growing certain relationships are negotiation cards that will help her haggle her way through a sale. Darmawan notes that each character has a unique perspective on life, and thus their cards provide Sylvia with different approaches to haggling based on the personality of the character she received them from.

"Each card is based on the character’s personal negotiation style and their deck represents their general outlook on life...As you work your way towards befriending (or smooching) them, they offer valuable guidance in the form of negotiation cards that you can use when haggling with customers."

Because of the diversity of the cast of characters, the cards they offer allow the player to essentially cater their play style to certain deck types. For example, some cards may help with things like lowering Sylvia's stress, while cards like those given to the player by the exaggerated Muktuk use his bravado to inspire interest from the patrons of Sylvia's shop. As Sylvia's rank increases and her relationship with characters deepen, the stats of the cards also improve and better aid her in selling her brews.

With a vibrant cast of characters and a myriad of ways to curate one's deck, Potionomics is sure to deliver a fun experience with plenty of new friends and maybe even some smooches along the way.

Potionomics is available to play now on PC.

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