Cheatcodes in video games have gone by the wayside for the most part. While bighead mode in video games was once a part of seemingly every other game, the idea of punching an entry into the screen to get cool effects and cheats is something that is rare in gaming today. Thankfully, Postal Redux is here to save the day in that department.

Postal Redux made its console debut on Nintendo Switch recently and it comes with tons of cheats. Players can take advantage of codes to instantly gain weapons, turn enemies heads into explosions upon death, or even more at supersonic speed.

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Postal Redux is a remake of the first game in the series, not to be confused with Postal 4, the latest entry before Redux. It is an isometric shoot 'em up developed by Running with Scissors. As a modern game with cheats, the codes allow for players to complete the difficult levels with more ease, or simply enjoy adding chaos into the mix.

How to Access Cheat Menu

For players to start using the cheats in Postal Redux on the Switch, they must first access the cheat menu. To do this, press X+A+B at the same time. This will make text input appear on the screen. Once the screen is up, type in the code and click confirm. Once back in the game, press the A button. In a few moments, the cheat will be activated. Players are encouraged to have fun with the codes, as this is not a game that will punish players for using cheats.

Cheatcodes for Postal Redux

YourHeadASplode - All enemies have their heads exploded on death

IAmSoLame - All of the above in one cheat

TunnelVision - Drastically contracts camera view

Sternomat - Enemy heads explode on death

Enlarges all characters' heads GimmeHead

AssaultAndBattery - Gives assault rifle

CarryMore - Gives backpack

BlowMe - Gives balloon gun

Dynomyte - Gives dynamite

Flamenstein or Firehurler - Gives flamethrower + ammo

LobItFar - Gives grenades

MagicMags - Gives infinite ammo for all currently-owned weapons

CrotchBomb - Gives mines

Rioter - Gives molotovs

TitanIII - Gives napalm launcher + ammo

PeaShooter - Gives pistol

JesseJames - Gives revolver + ammo

TheBestGun - Gives scattergun + ammo

Shellfest - Gives shotgun + ammo

BlockMyAss - Maxed out armor

Healthful - Maxes out health

SuddenlyISee - Maxes out the camera view

NoPlaceLikeOz - Opens exit

TheQuick - Quick firing speed on all weapons

MyteaMouse - Shrinks all characters (toggle)

WitchDoctor - Shrinks all characters' heads

AlaMode - Toggles god mode

NoHUDPlease - Toggles HUD visibility

Groovy - Toggles slow motion

YoureTooSlow - Toggles sonic speed

LongArmOfTheLaw - Turns all bystanders into hostile police officers

ClowningAround - Turns all NPCs into clowns

RaisedInABarn - Turns all NPCs into dancing ostriches

MichaelBay - Turns all NPCs into rocketeers or grenadiers, and explodes all barrels on the map

MyNameIsNotImportant - Unlock The Antagonist from Hatred

BegForThis - Wimpy enemies mode (one shot injures)

Postal Redux is out now on Nintendo Switch and PC

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Source: Nintendolife