A Portal player took jack-o-lanterns to the next level by making a Sentry Turret for Halloween. They also shared how they made the pumpkin turret, so other players could make their own as well.

First released in 2007, Portal has become a critically acclaimed first-person puzzle game series from developer Valve. It's well-known for its unique mechanics, funny lines delivered by GLaDOS, and probably one of the best red herrings in gaming. Its sequel Portal 2 came out in 2011, which also received high praise from players and critics alike. Although Valve hasn't made a third game, it released the Steam Deck playable short Aperture Desk Job last March, which is set in the Portal universe.

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Many players have used Portal as inspiration for memes and personal projects in the past. Reddit user RealWorldJunkie took a pumpkin and created a Sentry Turret, complete with a light-up center and gun-like attachments that they 3D printed, for Halloween this year. In the comments, they hinted that they're already planning for a second version of the pumpkin turret. This time, they would be adding a speaker that will play the Sentry Turret's popular lines in the game.

Additionally, the player shared their YouTube video to show the entire process of creating the pumpkin turret. They also shared a website link with dimensions and gCode files for people who are looking to use their 3D printers for their own turret. This isn't the first time gamers got creative with their jack-o-lanterns. Some showcased their carving skills to create a pumpkin that players could find in Minecraft, and one with intricate etching inspired by Pokemon's Chandelure.

The Reddit post's comment section was filled with Portal fans praising the Halloween creation, and quoting the game. Even the official Xbox Reddit account joined in the fun. It's proof that despite not having a new game, it is still a timeless classic for many, to the point that players recreated Portal with Unreal Engine.

Fortunately, many gamers could still experience Portal and Portal 2 on various gaming platforms. Nvidia also recently revealed a remastered version of Portal that will have ray tracing when RTX is turned on, adding a more immersive touch to the game. Players who own the game on PC can get this as a free DLC once it comes out in late November. Committed Portal fans will certainly have their hands full for the rest of the year as they deal with GLaDOS again.

Portal is available on Mobile, PC, PS3, Switch, and Xbox 360.

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