Pokémon fans are still enjoying the recent release of The Crown Tundra DLC for Pokémon Swordand Shield, with the new area, story content, and more to keep them occupied, and with many shiny hunters on the prowl for new pokémon to add to their collection.

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Though players spend a lot of time with their favorite pokémon, most don't realize how big or small they are unless they go delving into their Pokédex. When pokémon are shown on the battlefield in the game, it's hard to gauge their size accurately. Check out these prime examples of pokémon who are way bigger than they first appear.

10 Fletchling

pokemon grace fletchling

The games aren't the only source of misinformation when it comes to the true size of pokémon, the anime is just as guilty of being pretty loose when it comes to the size that the Pokédex entries actually state. In turn, these incorrect sizings often follow through to the games as well, making many players mistakenly believe many pokémon to be a different size.

One example of this is Fletchling, the dual normal/flying-type pokémon. In the anime, Fletchling is one of Grace's pokémon and is shown to be about 0'04", when its Pokédex entry lists this pokémon's actual size as 1'00".

9 Happiny

Happiny pokemon

Baby pokémon are among the cutest in the Pokédex and it's only natural that they're fairly small in size. However, the anime presented Happiny as a little smaller than it truly is, with Brock's Happiny appearing to be about 1'00".

Interestingly, the Pokédex lists this pokémon's size as double this - with Happiny's true height standing at 2'00". Despite its size actually being double of what is shown in the anime, Happiny remains one of the cutest baby pokémon out there.

8 Hitmontop

pokemon hitmontop

Another victim of the anime misrepresenting its true size is the fighting-type pokémon, Hitmontop. In the anime, Hitmontop is shown to be roughly the same size as Politoed and Wartortle, in actual fact, the Pokédex lists Politoed at 3'07", Wartortle at 3'03", and Hitmontop with a much greater difference at 4'07".

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It's actual size rather fittingly makes it the same height as one of Tyrogue's other evolutionary options, Hitmonchan, with the final evolutionary branch of Hitmonlee measuring slightly taller at 4'11".

7 Dunsparce

dunsparce pokemon

The Pokémon anime did no favors to Dunsparce or for viewers, as the Dunsparce shown in the TV series are massively different in size than they should be when their Pokédex entry is studied more carefully. Despite being shown as small enough for people to hold in the anime, Dunsparce is listed in the Pokédex as being 4'11".

That makes Dunsparce the same size as Blissey. Although Blissey is shown as far bigger than Dunsparce in the anime, interestingly, it too is shown as smaller than what its Pokédex entry has it listed.

6 Glalie

pokemon glalie ash

Glalie first appeared in Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire and is one of the evolutionary options of Snorunt. Glalie is best-known for being one of the pokémon that Ash has in the anime, but the Glalie shown in the TV series is considerably smaller than what the Pokédex has listed.

The Pokédex states that Glalie is 4'11", while the size of Ash's Glalie would more likely be closer to 2'00". That puts this particular ice-type pokémon at the same size as pokémon such as Zeraora, Darkrai, and Alakazam.

5 Golbat

pokemon golbat

Golbat is one of the original Kanto 151 and is the evolution of Zubat. Though Zubat measures at a mere 2'07", this pokémon takes a drastic jump in size when it evolves, with Golbat measuring at 5'03". One of the scariest things about Golbat's size is that most of Golbat's body is dominated by its incredibly large mouth.

Golbat's size puts it in line with pokémon such as Blastoise, Metagross, Emboar, and others that players naturally presume to be pretty beastly creatures. When Golbat evolves into Crobat, it gets a slight size increase, but after Golabt's growth spurt it comes as less of a surprise.

4 Dratini

pokemon dratini

Dratini is one of the original 151 pokémon from the original Pokémon Red and Blue. It's super cute appearance and sought-after dragon typing has made it a firm fan-favorite over the years, but many players don't realize that Dratini is actually far larger than you might imagine.

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Despite the fact its name is a mixture of the words "Dragon" and a variant on the spelling of "tiny", Dratini's pokédex entry lists it as 5'11". To put that in perspective, that's the same size as Aerodactyl and Scizor.

3 Furret

pokemon furret

Much like Dratini, Furret is a pretty cute pokémon that often finds itself a favorite amongst fans. Considering that Furret is based upon the ferret, its real-world equivalent, its sizing is particularly surprising as it is far larger than the small rodent that people can hold in their hands.

Furret's Pokédex entry lists it as 5'11", which puts it on par with other pokémon such as Mega Salamence, Meganium, and Zarude. This also means that when Sentret evolves into Furret, it more than doubles in size as Sentret measures as 2'07".

2 Scolipede

pokemon scolipede

Scolipede first appeared in Pokémon Black and White and is the final evolution of Venipede. Pokémon Sword and Shield present Venipede as a fairly large pokémon, not just in battles but also when seen in the wild. Despite this, Venipede is actually larger than shown based on its Pokédex entry, which lists it as 8'02".

The Venipedes in Sword and Shield are shown to be slightly taller than the height of their trainers, but unless all the trainers in the game are nearly eight feet tall, it means that Venipedes have been shortchanged.

1 Eternatus

pokémon eternatus

Players of Pokémon Sword and Shield eventually come across the legendary pokémon Eternatus as part of the endgame of the main campaign, and any players who regularly take part in online max raids will often see the overpowered pokémon alongside its trainers.

Though Eternatus is clearly larger than the trainer in battles, it's rather deceiving as Eternatus is actually far, far larger than shown. Rather surprisingly, Eternatus is actually the largest pokémon ever measured to date - bigger even than Wailord! Its Pokédex entry has Eternatus's size listed as a whopping 65'07".

NEXT: Pokémon: 10 Pokémon That Should Be Legendary But Aren't