The latest piece of Pokemon fan art from an artist transforming Pokemon into humanoid forms is of the strange Patient Pokemon Wobbuffet. The popularity of the Pokemon franchise has led to an astoundingly creative amount of fan art over the years. Some artists focus on ideas that game developer Game Freak created, like Pokemon ScarletandViolet's Paradox form Pokemon from the past and future. Others go their own routes, for example, envisioning Pokemon as human-like beings.

Wobbuffet is an especially fun choice for a piece of fan art. Wobbuffet has a long history in the Pokemon anime, where it was the Pokemon of Team Rocket member Jessie. Jessie accidentally traded her Lickitung for Wobbuffet, and Wobbuffet's many appearances were treated more as a curse for Team Rocket than anything else. Even apart from the anime, Wobbuffet is beloved because of its big smile and laughing eyes.

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The latest piece of art from Pokemon fan artist endifi tries to capture what everyone loves about Wobbuffet but in a humanoid form. Their piece of art, shared on Reddit, envisions Wobbuffet as a posh woman in a long blue dress lined with fur. The dress has long, open sleeves, creating the round, elongated shape of Wobbuffet. She's also wearing dark gloves and heels and has a cane as an accessory. The odd black tail with dotted eyes remains, unchanged.

What stands out more than anything from the Wobbuffet art is the humanoid character's face. The artist has carried over Wobbuffet's laughing eyes and large toothless smile. However, they've also added some red lipstick and blush. Human Wobbuffet clearly finds everything just as hilarious as Pokemon Wobbuffet does.

It's very impressive how endifi manages to capture the Pokemon's silhouette and personality, while still creating an identity for their character that stands out on its own. It wouldn't be surprising to see this character in a future Pokemon game with six Wobbuffets making up their party. If Game Freak ever makes humanoid forms for Pokemon in its games, it has a great source of inspiration to take from.

As noted, endifi has made a series of human-form Pokemon art. They've created other art pieces turning Pokemon including Pichu, Sudowoodo, Slowking, Unown, and many others into humans. Each piece is impressive in its own right. It's exciting to consider which Pokemon endifi will turn into a human next. As Wobbuffet is patient, so can the Pokemon fanbase.

MORE: All the Humanoid Pokemon