As there are now a solid 90,000 Pokémon that exist, there are some that are a bit more memorable than others. Some of these Pokémon are so important, in fact, that they almost seem as if they could be legendaries. Today, we're going to be looking at ten of those Pokémon. Ten Pokémon who aren't legendary, but really should be. There's a lot to discuss, so let's get right into the list.

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10 Ninetails


Generation One's Ninetails is the absolute definition of petty. This thing is just ridiculous. If you so much as touch one of its tails, it will curse you for 1,000 years. Bitter much? You have nine of them, you can't share? This type of pettiness is a bit overboard, sure, but so is that power level. The ability to curse someone for 1,000 years at your discretion? That's the type of power that a legendary Pokémon has. As such, it only makes sense that a Pokémon so beautifully designed while also being so cruel should really be a legendary Pokémon.

9 Arcanine

Arcanine's species category is the Legendary Pokémon. Well, that kind of settles it, now doesn't it? Arcanine really fits that mold though, the Pokémon is absolutely stunning, and is one of the most recognizable Pokémon out there. While it is pretty, it also looks like it could easily instill fear into the heart of anyone that even thinks about walking near it. The Pokémon is also very strong, and can take down its opponents easily with its fiery attacks. There's a reason all of the Officer Jennies use Arcanine and its pre-evolution, Growlithe. This is one Pokémon you shouldn't mess with.

8 Xatu

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Xatu is... unsettling, somewhat upsetting, and definitely unnerving. This Pokémon holds a bewildering level of power that we humans cannot even begin to understand. It can see the future out of one eye, and the past out of the other eye. Because of this ability, is stands still all day, observing horrors. Neato! This fact alone makes it a very powerful Pokémon. Armed with the knowledge of both the present and the past, Xatu has the ability to change anything it wants, if it so desires. As such, Xatu is a Pokémon that should be both feared and revered. You never know what it might do next.

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7 Unown

This one is just kind of expected, huh? With 28 different forms that make up the alphabet (and ! and ?, because we really need them), Unown are always treated as important Pokémon. When they appear in any game, they usually are found in some lore heavy area, and are always implied to be around during the myths of ancient Pokémon times. They were also big players in the third Pokémon movie, which centered on Entei. Honestly, Game Freak throws these guys around like they are Legendary Pokémon at this point, so they might as well give them the distinction already, even if they are horribly weak.

6 Absol

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Resident Emo Boy of the list, we have the Pokémon Absol. The design alone is reason enough for this Pokémon to claim the mantle of legendary. It's sleek design is absolutely stunning, with the muted colors really coming together well, with its Mega Evolution just pushing things over the top. Its Pokédex entries all state that anytime it is seen by humans, it is followed by some sort of natural disaster. Power move.

5 Relicanth

The Hoenn region's Relicanth is somewhat of an odd Pokémon. As a perfect life form, the species hasn't changed or evolved for 100 million years. It lives in the bottom of the ocean, and has been around longer than anyone knows. The Pokémon is also an essential part of solving the puzzles in Generation Three that allow you access to the Regis, another group of legendary Pokémon. There's really just more to Relicanth than meets the eye. Unfortunately, this Pokémon's time in the sun has long passed, and we'll probably never know everything about it.

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4 Spiritomb

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Spiritomb is one frightening Pokémon. Native to the Sinnoh Region, it is actually one of Champion Cynthia's Pokémon. It was formed from a combination of 108 souls, and is bound to the rock it lives in, the Odd Keystone, for misdeeds from 500 years ago. That raises a few questions. What did it do? Did all of the souls carry out their own individual crimes, or did they start after they were bound together? Why did they get bound together? Spiritomb is carrying so many secrets, secrets that we need answers to. Spiritomb's lore is enough to make it legendary.

3 Sigilyph

Look at Sigilyph. Look it right in its single eye and say that it isn't some sort of Legendary Pokémon. Because it totally is. Sigilyph as a species were once the protectors of ancient cities, a task that they remember very well. This really makes you wonder when the cities were around. Were Sigilyph created by the cities, or are they real animals that were brought in to do a task for the city? No matter the answer, Sigilyph's threatening design and interesting origins are enough to make it seem like a legendary.

2 Zoroark

Zoroark is one of those Pokémon that is totally favored by Game Freak, and has a sort of elevated status that would usually be evocative of a Legendary Pokémon. This Unova Pokémon has the ability to transform itself into anything it wants, and create illusions that other people see. It is incredibly powerful, and even has a movie centered around it. This enchantingly designed Pokémon seems as if it was basically made to be a legendary Pokémon.

1 Golisopod


Golisopod really looks like it could be a Legendary Pokémon simply due to its very powerful design. The sharp claws, the incredible armor, Golisopod looks like it is really ready to tough it out with the best of 'em. We really don't have many Legendary Bug Pokémon as of now, so Golisopod would be a great addition to the roster. Without a doubt, Golisopod would be right at home if it were to have been a Legendary Pokémon.

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