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In competitive Pokemon battles, there are many roles that a team should fill. One of the most important is Healers, especially for Pokemon that lack recovery options. Healers are used to restore HP or remove Status Conditions from themselves and allies.

Healers' movepools are heavily supportive, and many have defensive bulk to compensate for their lack of attack moves. Therefore, players should refrain from leading with their Healers if they need them later in the battle. However, if healers can maintain a decent Speed stat, they are perfect to come in and take care of the team. Let's review the best Healers for competitive Pokemon matches.

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ComfeyPokemon Comfey

HP: 51

Attack: 52

Defense: 90

Sp. Atk: 82

Sp. Def: 110

Speed: 100

Comfey brings several healing and recovery moves to the table. Draining Kiss is a Same Type Attack Bonus (STAB) move that is a superb self-recovery option. Among Comfey's other moves, its primary healing move is Floral Healing. Floral Healing regenerates 50% of the target's max HP, and the move is boosted if Grassy Terrain is active on the field.

Arguably its most helpful ability, Triage, will award +3 priority to all of Comfey's healing moves. Comfey also has several moves that benefit it and its allies. For example, players can utilize Aromatherapy to cure status conditions and then Helping Hand to double an ally's Attack.


HP: 60

Attack: 70

Defense: 55

Sp. Atk: 125

Sp. Def: 105

Speed: 90

Roserade is a Leech Seed and Grassy Terrain abuser. Its Grass STABs are boosted with Grassy Terrain, and it gets 1/8 of HP restored at the end of each turn. Leech Side doubles as passive damage and Healing for Roserade. For more straightforward recovery moves, it has Giga Drain, Mega Drain, and Absorb, all of which are STAB moves and can be influenced by Grassy Terrain.

Roserade's best status Healing move is Aromatherapy. Aromatherapy cures the user and all allies on and off the field during all status conditions. On the other side, Roserade has many Poison-type status-changing moves and Stun Spore to stall its opponents or get more passive damage.


pokemon anime milotic feature

HP: 95

Attack: 60

Defense: 79

Sp. Atk: 100

Sp. Def: 125

Speed: 81

Milotic's healing powers come from its ability and moveset. Its ability Marvel Scale activates when it is inflected with a Status Condition and doubles its Defense stat. This makes it somewhat tanky since it has STAB options like Hydro Pump and Water Pulse.

Its healing moves include Recover, Life Dew, and Aqua Ring. Recover is a self-healing move that restores up to half its max HP. Aqua Ring works similarly but only restores 1/16 of its HP. Life Dew is widespread and heals Milotic and its ally Pokemon on the field. It can also set up Safeguard to protect them from non-volatile Status Conditions and Confusion for a limited time.


pokemon anime snorlax

HP: 160

Attack: 110

Defense: 65

Sp. Atk: 65

Sp. Def: 110

Speed: 30

Snorlax is a Rest abuser with a ridiculously high HP, so opponents are not taking it down quickly. Rest will restore its full HP and heal all non-volatile Status Conditions. Even better, players aren't forced to sacrifice two turns if they use moves like Snore and Sleep Talk. Players who don't want to be limited to sleep moves can equip it with a Chesto Berry to wake it up on its next turn.

Snorlax does have an impressive Attack stat and powerful Physical STAB moves like Hyper Voice and Retaliate. It can be classified as a Tank even with a low Defense since its HP and Sp. Def make up for it. Players can also use it as a last resort if it comes down to it with the move Self-Destruct.


Pokemon Blissey Jumping through the air

HP: 255

Attack: 10

Defense: 10

Sp. Atk: 75

Sp. Def: 135

​​​​​​​Speed: 55

One of the most iconic healers in the game is Blissey. It thrives on stall teams and has some of the best recovery moves and the highest HP paired with a healing ability. Natural Cure heals all Status Conditions whenever it switches out, making it immune to Status changes for the most part. Its healing moves include Heal Pulse, Healing Wish, Soft-Boiled, and Drain Punch. Although ts Defense stats are lower, Blissey is not easily taken out because of its reliable recovery.

Blissey can also set up Stealth Rock, Thunder Wave, and Flame Thrower for defensive moves. It can also set up any weather condition and survive friendly fire from Hail or Sand storms with its healing abilities. It has some STAB options, but its Attack is so low that it will not make a mark offensively. Players should watch out for Taunt users who effectively shut them down.

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