The aptly named Shivre City is a cold place that can be tricky to dominate for some players as there are some unique challenges here that gamers cannot encounter on other Quick Battle maps in Pokemon Unite. As it is a symmetrical map and 4 players are on each team, this is one of the best places to utilize the synergy between 2 players, such as a Support pokemon like Eldegoss and an All-Rounder like Garchomp.

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Players looking to get lots of wins in Shivre City will need to get to know the map and its finer details, farm the unique and powerful wild pokemon, as well as taking advantage of scoring buffs.

Updated on October 27, 2021, by Reyadh Rahaman:To make the most of this Quick Battle map, players will understandably have to be both fast and furious to score as much as possible in the short timespan. As such, there are certain Pokemon in Pokemon Unite that are better for adventures in Shivre City than others. Those possessing the greatest movement speed, excellent dashes, or long-ranged attacks can be more ideal here than others. When it comes to dominating on the cold terrain, being swift is the key to victory.

The Layout Of Shivre City

cropped version of the official map.

This lengthy map stretches horizontally, which will mean a lot of running back and forth between goal zones, especially if one gets knocked out and has to race back into the battle from their base at the end of the map, though, this can also be used to an advantage in some cases.

Thankfully, the speed zones that run along the length of the map around where Avalugg spawns can be used to great effect for increased mobility which cuts down on a lot of literal running time. These runways are also lined with Sitrus Berries, meaning that players using them can heal on the fly; a handy feature for escaping threats and avoiding getting knocked out.

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In the center of Shivre City resides Avalugg, the tanky Ice-type pokemon, and beating them in combat can mean the difference between victory and defeat as a result of the mighty boons they give the team that takes them down.

Finally, at the top and bottom of the map, there are Electrodes that can be found behind some curved walls. These Electric-type pokemon are great to farm for points and Exp, though, be warned, they will defend themselves in their trademark fashion: exploding at the slightest provocation.

All The Pokemon Found In Shivre City

two strong wild pokemon in shivre city.

Snom & Alolan Meowth

These smaller wild pokemon are the basic farming stock for this map, as they each only give a few points and meager Exp, though, they are quick to go down and can be harvested almost like crops by efficient teams.


These icy insectoids can be found hovering in the 4 corners surrounding Avalugg's domain, though on the outside of where one finds the huge iceberg of a pocket monster. They each give players 5 points when taken down as well as decent Exp.

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This central behemoth is quite strong and nearly impossible to take down individually, so players will need to team up with allies to assault this wild pokemon. When defeated, Avalugg only drops 20 points but gives generous Exp as well as some excellent buffs.

Firstly, they apply a shield to the goal zone belonging to the team that defeated them, however, they will also apply temporary ice shields to all members of that team. This frosty fortification grants players much greater damage reduction for the span of time that they are ringed by the floating blue ice particles.


A pair of Electrodes adorn the map: 1 at the top and 1 at the bottom. As mentioned, when attacked, they will shortly self-destruct, not giving players much time to defeat them before the impending explosion. Players capable of high burst damage should be able to solo them after reaching about level 8 or 9, however, it is usually much quicker and safer to farm Electrodes alongside a teammate. When defeated, the dangerous orb drops 20 points and some nice Exp.

Tips For Playing In Shivre City

player teaming up with a charmeleon to fight avalugg and attacking avalugg with the opposing team.

Getting Around Shivre City Quickly

The speedways are a great way to get around, however, if one takes note of the proximity of their base to their team's goal zone, they'll find a neat trick for defensive plays. If one is on the far end of the map, possibly having just scored on the other team's goal zone, they cannot defend from enemies trying to do the same. However, by using the "Return to base" feature, they can warp back to their base and much more swiftly reach their own goal zone to stop potential enemy goals.

How To Score Goals Faster

On this map, whenever a player gets a KO or Assist, they will gain a buff that allows them to make goals faster. This means that players who actively engage and win confrontations will get huge scoring advantages. Being more capable of making big goals quickly can cause a landslide victory in cases where opponents can't keep up the pressure.

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How To Score More Points

Like in other Quick Battle maps, every time that a player scores on a goal zone, it gets buffed with a multiplier that doubles the worth of each goal made for a short time. Players can utilize this to synchronize goals with teammates for huge combos. A great play is to have a player with only a few points score a quick goal while another with a lot of points then scores for double the value, maximizing the team's total score by large margins.

Best Pokemon & Builds For Shivre City

pokemon unite gengar and talonflame

How To Use Gengar In Shivre City

This shifty Ghost-type is great for sneakily maneuvering around the map, especially when aided by the speed zones. They have a few moves that can be great for this, depending on the situation and Gengar's position. Players seeking a more ranged approach to taking out wild pokemon and opponents can use the speed zones to zip back and forth while using Sludge Bomb to damage and poison foes like some sort of venomous piece of artillery. Combined with Gengar's natural mobility, this can be a great way to hinder foes during any confrontation and support allies from the rear.

Alternatively, those playing as Gengar who wish for a more active role in any given Quick Battle at Shive City can also lay into targets unexpectedly by using Hex. This sinister move allows players to teleport to a target within a moderate range to deal damage to them. Since this move deals bonus damage to targets afflicted with a status ailment, it pairs very well with the usage of Sludge Bomb mentioned above.

How To Use Talonflame In Shivre City

Talonflame has the best mobility out of any current Pokemon in Pokemon Unite, and this grants those playing as them an advantage in Shivre City. All of this Fire and Flying-type's moves are Dash-attacks, meaning that they all involve covering ground more quickly. As such, players can maneuver about with great freedom regardless of the moveset they choose.

The speed zones also affect Talonflame's movement, despite them not touching the ground, allowing this avian pocket monster to reach higher speeds than usual. With this in mind, players can use the speed zones to launch devastating hit-and-run tactics that can debilitate enemies enough to allow allies to take them down while Talonflame avoids taking much damage themselves.

Pokemon Unite is available on the Nintendo Switch and Android.

MORE: Pokemon Unite: Talonflame Build Guide & Tips