Pokemon Unite is the latest addition to the Pokemon franchise that strays from turn-based combat. Using a wide assortment of Pokemon, players go head-to-head in a fun yet challenging MOBA experience. Although Pokemon Unite is relatively simple, it also requires a great deal of thought. Players can devise strategies and coordinate assaults, but the most important element to consider is a Pokemon's build.

RELATED: Pokemon Unite: Pro Tips, Tricks, & Strategies To Win Battles

There are five different roles that a Pokemon can fill: All-Rounder, Attacker, Defender, Speedster, and Support. It is important to remain true to these positions and improve them using builds. Builds dictate a Pokemon's Moves, Held Items, and Battle Items to fulfill a purpose relating to their role. While most builds function effectively in battle, some, in particular, excel and experience more victories.

Updated on October 12, 2021, by Reyadh Rahaman:As more and more updates get added to Pokemon Unite, the best builds will need to adapt in order to deal with threats posed by new Pokemon getting added to the roster as well as the introduction of new items. Remember, the Pokemon franchise is all about evolution, therefore players will have to evolve along with the meta to maintain their dominance as a powerful trainer. Practice makes perfect and experimentation breeds results--so be sure to play around and figure out how to optimize one's build!

10 Jungle Absol

absol in blue menu screen and using its unite move against a wild pokemon.
  • Role: Speedster
  • Moves: Pursuit, Psycho Cut
  • Held Items: Scope Lens, Muscle Band, Float Stone
  • Battle Item: Eject Button

Absol is a Speedster with the sole purpose of pursuing and finishing off pesky foes. This build strengthens its ability to do so by maximizing its damage output and movement speed potential. The Moves Pursuit and Psycho Cut allow Absol to hunt down opposing Pokemon with ease--one of the best builds for doing so. Moreover, its Held Items further contribute to its fast and offensive playstyle.

Although Absol is an effective attacker, it cannot endure too much damage. Thus, the Battle Item Eject Button is an effective means to escape unfavorable battles.

Due to Absol being a glass cannon, players using this build won't ever want to initiate a confrontation with foes who are at full HP--it is best to stay hidden within some tall grass and ambush enemies who are in the process of retreating from allies.

9 Combo Lucario

  • Role: All-Rounder
  • Moves: Power-Up Punch, Bone Rush
  • Held Items: Muscle Band, Float Stone, Score Shield
  • Battle Item: Eject Button

RELATED: Pokemon Unite: Best Held Items, Ranked

Lucario is an All-Rounder that can perform a variety of roles; however, it shines as a combo attacker. This build focuses on enhancing a relentless combo capable of finishing enemy Pokemon within seconds.

The Moves Power-Up Punch and Bone Rush allow Lucario to unleash an unrelenting flurry of blows without fail. Additionally, its Held Items allow it to relentlessly attack enemies and score with ease. While Lucario is an excellent offensive Pokemon, it lacks durability; therefore the Battle Item Eject Button is immensely useful.

Being capable of hitting hard, moving swiftly, and scoring big goals makes Lucario great for many tactics, however, it's important not to get overconfident. There's a difference between being proud of one's power and being reckless, as the latter could end up feeding opponents easy knock-outs, which would hurt one's chances at victory in the long run.

8 Poison Gengar

gengar in the menu and using their unite move in battle.
  • Role: Speedster
  • Moves: Sludge Bomb, Hex
  • Held Items: Shell Bell, Wise Glasses, Score Shield
  • Battle Item: X-Attack

A fantastic Speedster, Gengar is exceedingly effective at weakening and flanking opponents. This build ensures that it can successfully ambush foes and defeat them with little strain.

Sludge Bomb and Hex work together to dwindle an enemy's fortitude allowing Gengar to exploit them. In addition, its Held Items allow it to effectively ambush opponents and contribute to their team's points. While Gengar holds incredible offensive capabilities, the Battle Item X-Attack enhances it further making it exceedingly dangerous.

Despite having Hex nerfed somewhat shortly after the game's full release, the Sludge Bomb and Hex combo is still a force to be reckoned with, as it still has great potential for high-burst damage. Each time that a player lands a Hex on a foe afflicted by a status condition, such as the poison caused by Sludge Bomb, its cooldown gets reduced. This means that Hex can be used in quick succession on the same foe as long as they are poisoned for a deadly string of attacks.

7 Juggernaut Snorlax

snorlax in the character select menu and using their unite move in battle.
  • Role: Defender
  • Moves: Flail, Yawn
  • Held Items: Rocky Helmet, Muscle Band, Float Stone
  • Battle Item: Eject Button

RELATED: Pokemon Unite: All Defenders & What They Do

Snorlax is a Defender that can endure an overwhelming amount of damage and return it in full. This build works to make it a nearly insurmountable foe capable of defeating most opponents.

Flail and Yawn allow Snorlax to make use of its defenses to defeat adversaries, while the above Held Items allow it to endure overwhelming odds while punishing oncoming foes. Even though Snorlax is a nearly insurmountable Pokemon, the Battle Item Eject Button allows it to retreat, regroup, and return to battle.

This build is the best at hindering and debilitating enemies, however, it does not have any finishing power on its own, so players should be sure to stick with an ally during any and all assaults. Be sure to time the usage of Yawn to put foes to sleep when they're trying to escape.

6 Healer Eldegoss

pokemon unite eldegoss using cotton guard
  • Role: Supporter
  • Moves: Pollen Puff, Cotton Guard
  • Held Items: Buddy Barrier, Wise Glasses, Shell Bell
  • Battle Item: Eject Button

Eldegoss is a Supporter that can effectively aid allies with a variety of beneficial effects. This build focuses on continuously healing allies and fortifying their defenses--and is arguably the best at doing this in Pokemon Unite. For example, Pollen Puff and Cotton Guard allow Eldegoss to sustain teammates for long periods of time.

Meanwhile, the Held Items mentioned above provide it the means to protect others and itself from devastating oncoming damage. Although Eldegoss should remain near allies, dire situations require the Battle Item Eject Button to retreat and gather teammates.

With little offensive capabilities, this is a build that cannot do much on its own. Despite this, the support that Eldegoss gives allies can count for a lot and can beef up a singular friend to be worth twice as much on the battlefield. As such, Eldegoss players should stay behind their allies to aid them from the back lines.

5 Assassin Zeraora

zeraora in blue menu screen and using its unite move to shock foes in battle.
  • Role: Speedster
  • Moves: Volt Switch, Wild Charge
  • Held Items: Float Stone, Muscle Band, Energy Amplifier
  • Battle Item: Eject Button

RELATED: Pokemon Unite: How To Get Zeraora

A Speedster, Zeraora relentlessly pursues foes and annihilates them within seconds. This build works to end typically prolonged battles within mere moments allowing it to preserve time.

Using Volt Switch and Wild Charge provide Zeraora with a means to easily reach enemies and finish them off quickly. In addition, its Held Items function to enhance its quick yet devastating assaults. Usually, Zeraora will retreat before trouble arises; however, the Battle Item Eject Button offers an alternative.

Being able to melt enemy HP bars faster and more reliably than many other Pokemon, this Zeraora build is all about offensive tactics, however, be sure not to overextend oneself. Zeraora, like other Speedsters, cannot take very much damage, so be sure to only engage opponents when allies are around or if the targets are weakened.

4 Hyper Carry Cinderace

  • Role: Attacker
  • Moves: Blaze Kick, Feint
  • Held Items: Float Stone, Muscle Band, Scope Lens
  • Battle Item: Eject Button

Cinderace is an Attacker that uses its incredible attack and speed to end games quickly. This build utilizes Cinderace's exceptional qualities to make it an exceptional scorer.

Blaze Kick and Feint allow Cinderace to easily gather points and score without any difficulty. Moreover, the Held Items listed above work to maximize Cinderace's damage output and speed, allowing it to become nearly unstoppable. Regardless of its speed, Cinderace will need the Battle Item Eject Button to escape unfavorable circumstances.

Despite having great offensive capabilities, this Cinderace build's best quality is in scoring goals, and, as such, swapping out Scope Lens for a Held Item that relates to goal-scoring can be beneficial. Getting quick goals while holding an Attack Weight, for example, can allow Cinderace players to snowball their strength and scoring potential as the battle progresses.

3 Support Slowbro

slowbro in the menu and using their slow beam unite move.
  • Role: Defender
  • Moves: Surf, Telekinesis
  • Held Items: Shell Bell, Score Shield, Aeos Cookie
  • Battle Item: Eject Button

RELATED: Pokemon Unite: How Defense & Special Defense Works

As a Defender, Slowbro can take hits and manipulate enemies. This build works to support ally Pokemon by either pushing or pulling opponents.

Surf and Telekinesis allow Slowbro to fend off oncoming foes or draw in retreating adversaries. Additionally, the above Held Items grant extra fortitude for Slowbro and its allies. Even though Slowbro is a formidable Pokemon, the Battle Item Eject Button is useful should unsavory situations arise.

Area denial is the name of this Slowbro build's game, as Surf is great for shoving enemies away from one's goal zone, or even out of theirs. Furthermore, trapping an enemy with Telekinesis can allow one's allies many free shots that can spell doom for the trapped target.

2 Assassin Talonflame

talonflame using its unite move and in the menu.
  • Role: Speedster
  • Moves: Aerial Ace, Brave Bird
  • Held Items: Scope Lens, Muscle Band, Float Stone
  • Battle Item: Eject Button

A Speedster, Talonflame hits hard and fast, leaving enemies little time to counter. This build enhances Talonflame's damage output allowing its quick assaults to be far more deadly.

Aerial Ace and Brave Bird can easily take out a single foe or even groups. The Held Items mentioned above maximize Talonflame's already incredible damage and speed, increasing them to phenomenal levels. Despite Talonflame's amazing speed, it needs the Battle Item Eject Button to escape from overwhelming odds.

This Talonflame build possesses the best mobility out of all Pokemon in Pokemon Unite, however, this is offset by its frailty. It is essential for players using this build to use their moves both offensively and defensively, which means sometimes aiming dash-type moves away from opponents in order to escape conflict if Eject Button is on cooldown.

1 Stun Pikachu

pokemon unite pikachu using electro ball
  • Role: Attacker
  • Moves: Electro Ball, Thunderbolt
  • Held Items: Shell Bell, Wise Glasses, Energy Amplifier
  • Battle Item: Eject Button

As an Attacker, Pikachudebilitates and finishes off opposing Pokemon with electric attacks. With this build, Pikachu can easily stop and defeat troublesome foes without challenge.

Electro Ball and Thunderbolt will stun enemies and leave them vulnerable to Pikachu or its allies. Additionally, the Held Items grant Pikachu outstanding offensive potential, making it a significant threat. Occasionally, Pikachu will be unable to effectively escape, making the Battle Item Eject Button immensely useful.

With both great takedown power and stunning potential, this Pikachu build can be a nightmare for opponents to deal with, especially if it is backed up by allies. Virtually any team attack alongside a Pikachu using this build can result in being able to push further into enemy territory because few opponents will be able to handle such an assault.

Pokemon Unite is available on Nintendo Switch, Android, and iOS.

MORE: Pokemon Unite: What Are The Best Buff Moves?