
  • Some Pokemon, like Doduo, have the potential to have pre-evolutions, which can enhance their evolutionary line.
  • Pokemon like Hawlucha and Shuckle could benefit from having pre-evolutions that add depth to their lore and gameplay mechanics.
  • Lapras and Tropius, both fan-favorites, could be introduced as baby Pokemon to further expand their species and add a new dynamic to the games.

There's an ever-increasing number of Pokemon being introduced to gamers, with each new Pokemon title introducing new evolutions, regional forms, and the form of the day in each new entry, much like Pokemon Scarlet and Violet'sParadox Pokemon.

10 Facts You Didn’t Know About Pokémon Evolution

There's a lot to Pokémon evolution fans just don't know about. Let's take a look at some of the facts.

Whilst some Pokemon are destined for a new evolution line, there are actually a fair few Pokemon out there that could have a pre-evolution, otherwise known as baby-form. Generation 2 was the first to introduce the Pre-evolution line and then saw another influx happen in Generation 4, with the only new baby Pokemon coming in Pokemon Sword and Shield with the electric/poison type, Toxel. So, what potential candidates are open to having a pre-evolution introduced in later Pokemon titles?

9 Doduo/Dodrio

National Pokedex Number: #084 & #085

pokemon doduo anime
  • Pokedex Entry (Pokemon: Gold) – By alternately raising and lowering its two heads, it balances itself to be more stable while running.

Doduo is probably not the first on many fans' lists for a pre-evolution, but the math just adds up. Doduo goes from two heads to three. Logically, we'd be looking at a single-headed bird to start that evolutionary line. Given that babies struggle with coordination, it would tally nicely with Gold's Pokedex entry. There was evidence of a baby version of the Doduo named Hinazu resembling a bird's nest, but it was cut from Gold and Silver during development.

8 Lunatone/Solrock

National Pokedex Number: #337 & #338

Pokemon - Lunatone and Solrock PNGs back to back overlaid on image of Solrock and Lunatone in Pokemon Anime Back To Back
  • Pokedex Entry (Pokemon: Ruby) – Lunatone was discovered at a location where a meteorite fell. As a result, people theorize that this Pokemon came from space. However, no one has been able to prove this theory so far.

Branched Evolutions are not a new thing for Pokemon, especially when that evolution tree plays into the game's day/night cycle. The branch could be opened by a meteor-based pre-evolution that would evolve based on leveling up at the time of day granting players either a Lunatone or Solrock.

7 Onix

National Pokedex Number: #095

  • Pokedex Entry (Pokemon: Red & Blue) – As it grows, the stone portions of its body harden to become similar to a diamond, but colored black.
Pokemon Scarlet And Violet: 18 Rarest Pokemon

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet is chock-full of Pokemon for players to find. Here are the rarest ones in the game.

Fans of Pokemon love it when Gen One is brought back in a new way, especially when they're introduced in such interesting ways. The introduction of a pre-evolution to the Onix line would not only help buff Onix thanks to items like Eviolite but also introduce a cute mineral-based snake for gamers to train up early in the game.

6 Hawlucha

National Pokedex Number: #701

Ash's Hawlucha striking a pose while Ash and Pikachu watch in the anime
  • Pokedex Entry (Pokemon: Violet) – Hawlucha live quietly without flocking together. They fight constantly with their natural enemies: noisy groups of Primeape.

Hawlucha is already a great-looking Pokemon, but the idea of a pre-evolution helps shape them into the fighting bravado Pokemon they are known to be. Mix that in with the Pokedex entry and young Hawlucha could be in small training groups led by an elder learning how to fend for themselves. Quite simply, Hawlucha could make for an adorable baby Pokemon.

5 Shuckle

National Pokedex Number: #213

  • Pokedex Entry (Pokemon: Silver) – It stores berries inside its shell. To avoid attacks, it hides beneath rocks and remains completely still.
Pokemon: Team Rocket's 18 Best Pokemon Throughout The Anime

Team Rocket's Pokemon often prove just as ineffectual as the duo themselves.

Shuckle has been on many fans who want the list to get an evolution. Why not flip that script and give it a pre-evolution? After all, the Pokemon is already a defensive powerhouse. The pre-evolution could be very similar to Applin except hiding within berries instead of apples as it loves them so much, eating its insides until it's old enough to form its well-known shell exterior. Shuckle deserves more love, and this could be a great way to deliver that.

4 Dhelmise

National Pokedex Number: #781

Dhelmise using its anchor underwater
  • Pokedex Entry (Pokemon: Moon) – The soul of seaweed adrift in the waves became reborn as this Pokemon. It maintains itself with new infusions of seabed detritus and seaweed.

Dhelmise is one of the great single-evolutionary line Pokemon, but its Pokedex entry does leave it open for a pre-evolution. Focusing solely on the soul-imbued seaweed, the pre-evolution form could have a cute seaweed-themed design, with the Pokemon focusing on collecting discarded items to fulfill their purpose and evolve. This could even be added as an ability, such as, if the Pokemon was not holding an item during a battle it will pick up an item.

3 Lapras

National Pokedex Number: #131

Pokemon Lapras roaring

Pokedex Entry (Pokemon: Moon) – These Pokemon were once near extinction due to poaching. Following protective regulations, there is now an overabundance of them.

The story of Lapras is one of the great successes in the Pokemon world. Introduced in Generation 1, Lapras were overhunted to the brink of extinction over the course of many Pokemon games, they are now in overabundance. Already a fan-favorite and the Lapras beginning to populate again, it would make sense that the games introduced baby Lapras, who could be seen following their parents. They could play on the baby wanting to mimic the parents' transportation role, having the pre-evolutions often seen carrying small Pokemon between islands and river banks.

2 Tropius

National Pokedex Number: #357

Still of a Tropius flying in Pokemon
  • Pokedex Entry (Pokemon: Diamond & Pearl) – Because it continually ate only its favorite fruit, the fruit started growing around its neck.
Pokemon: Team Rocket's 18 Best Pokemon Throughout The Anime

Team Rocket's Pokemon often prove just as ineffectual as the duo themselves.

The idea of a baby dinosaur Pokemon is likely already a huge draw for fans and gamers alike, but couple that with the games' Pokedex entry, and you've got a lovable fruit-addicted dinosaur Pokemon on your hands. The Pokedex entry could even factor into the Pokemon's ability, such as it always has a held item that is always its favorite fruit. It may not be the evolution most fans expect, but we're certain it'll still be a hit.

1 Bombirdier

National Pokedex Number: #962

Air Titan Bombirdier from Pokemon Scarlet and Violet
  • Pokedex Entry (Pokemon: Violet) – Bombirdier uses the apron on its chest to bundle up food, which it carries to its nest. It enjoys dropping things that make loud noises.

Bombirdier resembles the classic image of storks bringing babies to families, so how could it not be the top choice for this list? The Pokemon's pre-evolution could feed into the dex entry too. Likely focuses on being unable to work its apron properly, often dropping items, which would feed into the Pokemon being unable to hold items in its pre-evolution stage. It may not be the most inventive option, but it's certainly the most clear.

6 Pokemon That Could've Been Humans In The Past

It's easy to spot Pokemon that are based on animals and food, but some Pokemon are so human-like they may have actually been humans in a past life.