Pokemon fan art can take many forms and has many different reimaginings of the titular Pokemon, as one talented Pokemon fan showed when they combined Snorlax and Teddiursa to make an adorable pocket monster. These two Pokemon seem to mesh very well in this Pokemon fan art.

The genre of combining two Pokemon in fan art has been a popular idea among the Pokemon fandom for a while now. The curiosity of fans and the creativity of artists in the fandom brings about interesting combinations that would never be seen in the games. The inspiration for some of these combinations comes from fan-made websites that generate "Poke-fusions."

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Reddit user and artist Bynine posted an image to the site of their interpretation of what the Pokemon Snorlax and Teddiursa would look like if they were combined. The result is an adorable Pokemon in the shape of Teddiursa with the colors, eyes, teeth, hands, feet, and appetite of Snorlax. The art also moves Teddiursa's crescent moon marking into an upside-down recent moon instead. The two images of this new original Pokemon combination show how much it likes honey, with the evidence on its hand and mouth, and then napping from the meal.

The details in this Pokemon combination complement each combined Pokemon very well. The use of the old-school Pokemon art style gives this art a nostalgic feel. It has a good balance of traits that both Snorlax and Teddiursa have that give this combination of personality as well as character. The bits of honey on its hand and mouth could possibly reference Winnie the Pooh as well as Teddiursa itself. This happens to work very well with the appetite of Snorlax, and the napping position is very appropriate for the Pokemon as well.

On the post, there was a high amount of praise. A few commenters wished this Pokemon was real, while others gave creative ideas for its name. Some even commented on the design and how it works so well in the old-school Pokemon art style. With the amount of Pokemon fusions that have been made over the years, a Pokemon spin-off game would be a great opportunity to bring them to life.

Pokemon combinations inspired by Pokemon fusion or even original creations often have an interesting charm to them. The creativity of fans is limitless, even combining Pokemon with other fandoms rather than only other Pokemon in the franchise. Pokemon is a franchise so versatile with its designs that anything is possible in the eyes of fans.

MORE: Pokemon: 13 Best Type Combinations, Ranked