During the 2nd Generation of the Pokemon franchise's main series games, there were quite a few updates and additions to other forms of media as well. One of those was the Pokemon Trading Card Game, which received new types and card variants, such as Light and Dark Pokemon.

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Dark Pokemon, which should not be confused with Dark-type Pokemon, are pocket monsters who have turned to the shadier side of things, almost always due to their trainer being such a character themselves. Their moves and card art reflect their more sinister nature, although some are merely all bark and no bite. However, a few live up to their ominous reputation for being foes that players wish to avoid.

10 Dark Omastar

Dark Omastar from the Neo Destiny expansion is one of the most unique Pokemon in the TCG. Both of its moves involve manipulating the opponent's evolution stage. With Prehistoric Water, this fossil Pokemon can "devolve" the adversary and send its highest stage evolution card into their trainer's deck.

Dark Omastar's other attack, Dark Tentacle, can prevent the foe from evolving while it is the Active Pokemon while also doing some damage. A strange strategy, but one that can lock a foe into only using Baby or Basic Pokemon.

9 Dark Dragonite

This beast of a card not only wrecks opposing Pokemon but also bolsters its trainer's forces. The Team Rocket set has a Dark Dragonite card that has a coin flip chance of doing 70 damage in one swipe of its mighty tail.

Not guaranteed to hit but when it does, it can even take out an enemy Dark Dragonite. This card also has a great Pokemon Power called Summon Minions, which lets Dark Dragonite's trainer place two Basic Pokemon from the deck to the Bench as reinforcements.

8 Dark Alakazam

Although neither of its attacks does huge amounts of damage, Dark Alakazam from the Team Rocket Expansion is a card that requires greater intellect to use most effectively. It can teleport into the Bench with a blast that does moderate damage as well as granting a free switch.

Its other attack, Mind Shock, lets this powerful Psychic-type hit a foe for a guaranteed 40 damage that does not get affected by Weakness and Resistance. This Pokemon is a great addition to any Psychic decks revolving around high field control.

7 Dark Hypno

This sinister hypnotist's strength relies on the other Pokemon in play. Their Dark Link move allows this Psychic-type to use any attack of a fellow Dark Pokemon without needing to pay its energy cost. All other requirements still need to be met, though, with the ability to unleash a Benched comrade's Dark Tentacle, Giant Tail, or Mind Shock, it is often worth the price.

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If there are no fellow Pokemon to aid it, this pocket monster from the EX Team Rocket Returns expansion can use its Black Magic to deal damage to a foe based on how many of its allies are present.

6 Dark Feraligatr

One of the more intimidating cards from the Neo Destiny set, Dark Feraligatr can prevent the Pokemon Powers of Baby Pokemon simply by being in play. However, this gator's main strength is its Crushing Blow attack that not only does a great 50 damage but also has half a chance of causing the injured foe to discard one of their energy cards.

With this sole attack, this menacing Water-type can shred foes while disabling them and potentially preventing counter-attacks.

5 Dark Tyranitar

Dark Tyranitar, also from the Neo Destiny set, is a rampaging berserker. It has two excellent moves; the first of which can smash a foe's HP and deck much like how this behemoth is usually depicted destroying the landscape. Though, if a trainer does not want to rely on coin flips for Mountain Smasher's damage, they can use Fling Away instead, which can be devastating to multiple or singular foes.

Dark Tyranitar usually deals 50 damage to the Active Pokemon, but if the opponent has any Benched Pokemon, Fling Away will do 30 damage to the Active Pokemon as well as to one of those on the Bench.

4 Dark Charizard

As many would expect, Dark Charizard, from the Team Rocket Set, is one of the stronger of the Dark Pokemon variants. Although, since it essentially guzzles energy, this Fire-type Pokemon should be used only when someone has plenty of resources to spare.

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This flame Pokemon's Continuous Fireball attack is as destructive as it sounds, able to dish out 50 and 100 damage attacks with ease; however, if loaded with more energies, it can deal even greater damage to scorch nearly any foe to ashes.

3 Dark Gengar

Here's a Pokemon with a one-two combo that will give the opponent nightmares. With Dark Gengar's Pull In attack, it deals 30 damage and puts the foe Asleep, though they can also choose to drag a Pokemon from the Bench and do the same to them instead.

The Pokemon Power of this Ghost-type, Deep Sleep, makes it very difficult for the sleeping foe to awaken, requiring them to flip two coins without getting any tails. There is little defense or counter against this strategy, as opponents cannot recall Pokemon that are Asleep unless they use an item or Pokemon Power of their own.

2 Dark Gyarados

Dark Gyarados from the Team Rocket set is violence incarnate. Its Ice Beam attack does nice damage and can make a foe Paralyzed, but this card's true might is in its Pokemon Power. Final Beam assures destruction to any adversary wishing to claim the ending blow on this atrocious sea serpent.

When Dark Gyarados gets Knocked Out by an opponent's attack, Final Beam will activate and grant the trainer a special coin flip. If heads, the opposing Pokemon will take 20 damage for each Water-type energy attached to Dark Gyarados.

1 Dark Blastoise

Here is another excellent Water-type card from the Team Rocket expansion. Dark Blastoise has two great moves that put it at the top of all Dark Pokemon. Firstly, its Rocket Tackle may result in a bit of recoil damage, but this is worth the result. After a successful coin flip, the opponent's Active Pokemon will not be able to do damage to Dark Blastoise during its next turn.

Getting a bit lucky and doing this multiple turns in a row can ravage any foe. Though, if luck is not something a trainer wants to rely on, this shellfish Pokemon's Hydrocannon attack can blow adversaries out of the water with a no-downside maximum damage of 70 HP. For high and consistent damage, versatility, as well as longevity, this Blastoise is the Dark Pokemon with the most promise of doom for a player's enemies.

NEXT: Pokemon: 10 Strongest Tag Team Cards, Ranked