For those Pokemon Sword and Shield players looking to get their hands on the most powerful Pokemon possible, the best option tends to be breeding them. This in turn means those players are likely going to want to find Ditto, as the shapeshifting Pokemon can streamline the process of matching up Pokemon and make it immensely easier. That said, there’s not really any way for Sword and Shield players to get Ditto until late in the game, which leaves trading with other players online as their best bet before then.

The problem there is that it can be next to impossible to find someone wanting to trade a specific Pokemon, which is why players have devised a way to significantly increase their chances of finding the ones they want. During trades, players can select a four-digit code to link them to another player using the same code. Players in Reddit’s Pokemon community have taken advantage of this and recently put together a system pairing several specific codes with specific tradeable Pokemon. This makes it possible for players to seek out Pokemon through those Pokemons’ unique codes.

RELATED: Pokemon Sword and Shield Trade Codes to Get Starter Pokemon

pokemon link trade new feature sword shield

So long as they have a working internet connection, PokemonSword and Shield players can get the process started by pressing the Y button to enter the trade menu, and from there they’re going to click on “Link Trade” and then “Set Link Code.” Once the code is entered, click ok and the “Yes” that follows it.

This should lead to a match being found within seconds or a few minutes, depending on the code, at which point both players will receive a message detailing both Pokemon being traded, providing them the information needed to decide whether to accept or decline the trade.

Trading For Ditto


In this way, seeking out players willing to trade Ditto in Sword and Shield becomes pretty simple. All one needs to do is enter the code 4448 when setting up a Link Trade. The time it will take to find another player will vary, depending on factors like internet speed and how many players are trading at a given moment. But since Ditto is a popular choice for players trying to build up higher-tier Pokemon teams, players shouldn’t have to wait long to find someone to trade with.

The list of codes currently available is pretty comprehensive, covering not just Ditto but every other Pokemon that’s impossible to get early or outside of trading. Such Pokemon include version-exclusives like Sirfetch’d and Galarian Ponyta, legendaries, and even starters. While this system won’t guarantee players will find the specific Pokemon they’re looking for, it does cut out the guesswork of going in blind trading with strangers.

Pokemon Sword and Shield are available for the Switch.

MORE: Pokemon Sword and Shield Trade Codes to Get Pokemon With Special Items

Source: Reddit