With the Isle of Armor being recently released and the Crown Tundra on the horizon, players have a lot to look forward to involving Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield. One of the things to look forward to is the new Galarian variants of the legendary birds.

While it is exciting to see Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield introduce regional variants for legendary Pokemon, it could also mean that even more legendary Pokemon could also get new forms in the future. With many legendaries confirmed to return for the Crown Tundra DLC, there's a lot of potential both then and down the road.

RELATED: Pokemon Journeys Teases The Return of The Legendary Birds

It is unknown if there will be any other DLC expansions for Pokemon Sword and Shield, but if there were, even more regional variants could be part of said DLC. That said, here are some of the best fits for possible future DLC.

Latios and Latias

Latios and Latias

A duo of Pokemon that definitely have potential for Galarian forms are Latios and Latias. These two make up the Eon Duo and are dual dragon and psychic-type Pokemon. Considering how Sword and Shield have regional differences between the two games even in the DLC, Latios would likely be available in Sword while Latias would be available in Shield (or vice versa).

If they were to get Galarian forms, they would likely keep their dragon-type, but could become fairy-types instead of psychic. This could make them appear like fairy tale dragons instead jet planes while still keeping the two similar enough that they would still be a duo.

Entei, Raikou, and Suicune

Pokemon GO legendary Pokemon Raikou Entei Suicune

Since the three legendary birds are getting Galarian forms, it only seems natural that the three legendary dogs could get them next. Like the Eon Duo, Entei, Raikou, and Suicune are all confirmed to be available for transfer once the Crown Tundra is released.

Entei is a pure fire-type Pokemon, meaning that there is a lot that can be done with its typing. Considering that Entei is meant to represent the fire that burned down the Brass Tower located in Ecruteak City, a Galarian Entei could be steel-type. This could be to represent the rebuilding of destruction like how Bell Tower was created as a replacement.

Continuing with this, Suicune is a pure water-type. It is meant to represent the rain that doused the fires that affected Brass Tower. The could mean that a Galarian Suicune could be a grass-type to represent the regrowth of what has been destroyed on a nature side of things. On the other hand, Raikou is one of the more difficult to think of a new type for. It is a pure electric-type Pokemon that is meant to represent the lighting strike that started the Brass Tower fire. However, it could be made into a fighting-type to represent the spirit that went into recovering from tragedy.

Ho-Oh and Lugia

lugia and ho oh

Considering that Ho-Oh is the creator of the legendary dogs and Lugia is the creator of the legendary birds, it would make sense for there to be new forms for these two as the creators of the other new forms.

Something that a lot of older Pokemon fans would appreciate would be if Lugia and Ho-oh's Galarian forms referenced Lugia's alternate appearance that appeared in Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness. This form of Lugia was when Lugia was corrupted by shadow and became Shadow Lugia. This resulted in a swapped color palette where Lugia was mostly a dark bluish purple, had white details, and had red eyes. Giving both Ho-Oh and Lugia dark-typings and forms similar to what was seen in Pokemon XD could prove to be quite the sight.

Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield are available now for Nintendo Switch.

MORE: 10 Best Pokemon, According To The Anime