Ever since the release of the original Pokemon Snap in 1999, fans have been eager for a sequel to the popular picture-capturing game. Now, New Pokemon Snap is very reminiscent of its predecessor, focusing on taking pictures of Pokemon throughout various areas. The game takes place in the Lental region where the player is tasked to help Professor Mirror and his assistant Rita, alongside the returning Todd with their research. This is done by taking photographs of Pokemon in the field and building a compendium called the Photodex.

Fans have been waiting for a sequel for over 20 years at this point, and with each Nintendo console that came out after the N64, fans were hoping for a New Pokemon Snap to be released in some form. New Nintendo consoles would improve on the last, adding new and unique features and hardware that a Pokemon Snap sequel could have easily taken advantage of, though it never happened. As each console generation came and went, the thought of a sequel was less and less likely, but that wouldn't stop fans from speculating what a sequel would look like on subsequent Nintendo consoles.

RELATED: Every Illumina Pokemon In New Pokemon Snap (& Where To Find Them)

Nintendo Wii

nintendo wii

Nintendo's first motion control console the Nintendo Wii was the next best chance at a sequel for Pokemon Snap as motion controls were the big selling point. Had the GameCube featured a Pokemon Snap sequel, it would have more likely been very similar to the original, with simply an updated roster and graphics. The Nintendo Wii, on the other hand, could have used its motion controls to have a more freeform feel when looking around and controlling the camera. This could have been used in conjunction with the Wii Nunchuck to create a more immersive experience than what was possible originally. Because Pokemon Snap is on rails, the player wouldn't have to worry about moving their character around, and could then focus on aiming and taking pictures, perhaps with even more precise movements utilizing the Motion Plus controller that was included later in the Wii's life.

Another feature the Nintendo Wii had was the ability to use SD cards. Much like real cameras, a Pokemon Snap sequel could have utilized the SD card to save pictures of a player's most proud photos to then share with their friends. The Wii would naturally allow players to edit their captured photos in the Photo Channel, as editing pictures off an SD card was already a function. Being able to let players edit their photos is a feature of New Pokemon Snap, making this a plausible scenario had a sequel come out for the Wii. The Wii would eventually see the rerelease of Pokemon Snap as a Virtual Console title, but that's all that came about.

Nintendo 3DS

Nintendo Not Repairing 3DS

The handheld console Nintendo 3DS came out in February of 2011 and was similar to the preceding handheld, the Nintendo DSi. Though the DSi wasn't the first to introduce a camera to handheld, the actual resolution was quite poor to utilize more than its intended purpose of taking simple pictures using the various included software lenses. The 3DS greatly improved on this hardware by allowing users to take both 2D and 3D pictures as well as video with greater resolution and effects. The 3DS also included a gyroscope, a motion sensor, as well as the ability to utilize Augmented Reality with few AR games available.

Had a Pokemon Snap sequel or successor had come to the 3DS, it could have utilized both AR features as well as the motion sensor capabilities. Many games on the 3DS already used the gyroscope to add an extra element to the gameplay, such as some of the mini-games in Mario Party: Island Tour. Since Pokemon Snap is on rails, it would be easy for a player to aim the 3DS around in full 360 degrees without having to worry about player movement. Pokemon Snap for 3DS could have utilized the built-in microphone for more gameplay features such as calling a Pokemon over or utilize the touch screen to throw apples, similar to throwing Pokeballs in Pokemon GO. Many fans thought of the 3DS as a perfect console for a Pokemon Snap sequel, though it never came to fruition.

RELATED: Every Pokemon in New Pokemon Snap (& Where To Find Them)

Nintendo Wii U

The Nintendo Wii U was a lot like the Wii and 3DS in that it included both the home console and a second screen in its GamePad. The Wii U's GamePad had many features similar to the 3DS including a front camera, gyroscope, microphone, and touch screen to name a few. Though the Wii U's GamePad didn't have the same augmented reality functionality, the gyroscope would have allowed players the same freedom of aiming that the 3DS did. In this way, players could have opted for either camera control through the analog sticks, or by pointing and aiming with the GamePad. This would allow players to turn their TV off if someone else wanted to use it without disrupting gameplay, a big selling point of the Wii U at the time.

Much like the hypothetical Wii sequel to Pokemon Snap, players could have used the SD card to store their favorite photos to share, though with the Wii U having its own online community, it's more likely they would have allowed players to share pictures directly online. The microphone could have played a role as well, getting the attention of certain Pokemon as the players pass by. Since the Nintendo Switch does not include a built-in microphone, this would be purely a speculative feature. The Wii U did see a port of Pokemon Snap to its Virtual Console library in 2017, though with no additional features.

After a long wait, fans new and old finally have the chance to experience the wonders and nostalgia of taking photos of Pokemon in New Pokemon Snap.

New Pokemon Snap is available now on Nintendo Switch.

MORE: 10 Mistakes Everyone Makes While Playing New Pokemon Snap