Pokemon Sleep is out, and fans have unsurprisingly flocked to it. The game takes a unique approach, and with enough care from Niantic, it may become the biggest hit of the year. Every Pokemon game has a mascot, and Sleep is no exception either. The company chose Snorlax to be the mascot for Pokemon Sleep, and it was an extremely sensible decision.

Snorlax is a massive Pokemon that has always been associated with sleep. Players who have enjoyed the older Pokemon games will never forget how the fluffy behemoth blocked their path to the next city. Snorlax plays an important role in Pokemon Sleep, and it is imperative that players take extra care of the Pokemon.

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How to Increase Snorlax's Strength

Every week, players will get one Snorlax that they have to take care of to raise its strength. Whenever players sleep, certain Pokemon will be drawn in, and they too will fall asleep. Depending on Snorlax's level and Drowsy Power, the number of Pokemon drawn to sleep near it increases; this makes it crucial to raise Snorlax properly.

Pokemon Sleep Snorlax drowsy power

Players will get a new Snorlax on Monday, and it will leave on Sunday. Each Snorlax has favorite berries and recipes that it prefers. Giving Snorlax the berries and dishes of its choice will enable it to gain strength quickly.

Pokemon sleep Snorlax's favorite berries

In case players forget Snorlax's favorite berries, they can always click on the box just below Snorlax's feet.

Players can prepare dishes for Snorlax three times a day. There are certain timings allocated, so it is necessary to create dishes within this period; otherwise, players might end up missing one. The three timings are as follows:

  • Morning: 06:00 to 12:00
  • Afternoon: 12:00 to 18:00
  • Night: 18:00 to 06:00

Early on in the game, players can only Auto Cook, but as they move forward, manual cooking will be unlocked. The latter requires players to discover more sleeping styles. Manual cooking will enable players to handpick the ingredients for dishes that Snorlax would enjoy the most, thus raising its Strength considerably. Needless to say, manual cooking is preferred to auto cooking while raising Snorlax.

Assigning the Right Helper Pokemon

One of the best ways to increase Snorlax's strength is by assigning helper Pokemon, who will collect the correct berries and have skills like Charge Strength. The type of berries that a Pokemon gathers depends on its helping stats. For example, this Pikachu has a knack for picking up Grepa berries, which are one of Snorlax's favorites. Upon consuming the Grepa berry, Snorlax's strength will increase twice as much.

Pokemon sleep helper Pokemon role

Another thing to keep in mind while assigning helper Pokemon is their Main Skill and Sub Skills. For instance, when Pikachu's main skill is activated, Snorlax gains 400 strength immediately. Furthermore, a Pokemon's nature also affects its usability. In Pikachu's case, it has a Jolly nature, which increases EXP gain but lowers the chances of finding ingredients, which is not bad by any means. But it is hard to deny that there are better natures, such as Sassy, which increase the chance of launching the main skill.

Pokemon Sleep is available on iOS and Android.

MORE: Pokemon Sleep: How To Set & Change Bedtime