Leveling up Snorlax is one of the most important tasks players must perform to aid their sleep style research in Pokemon Sleep. The strength of Snorlax can be boosted by feeding the creature Berries, or by cooking meals three times per day. Berries can be scavenged by helper Pokemon in the team, so it will happen automatically, but cooked meals have to be made manually by the players.

However, if people try to press on the Pot near the Camp, the game may state that the feature can’t be used yet. Thankfully, this confusion can easily be cleared by following the correct steps required to cook a dish in Pokemon Sleep.

RELATED: Pokemon Sleep: How To Level Up Your Pokemon

How To Cook In Pokemon Sleep

breakfast lunch dinner snorlax cooking pokemon sleep

To cook in Pokemon Sleep, players have to tap on Snorlax when the Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner prompt appears. After pressing on the sleeping Pokemon, the cooking interface will start, and if it’s the players’ first time performing this task, then it will also trigger a tutorial from Professor Neroli.

Here’s when each meal time starts:

  • Breakfast: 6 am to 12 pm
  • Lunch: 12 pm to 6 pm
  • Dinner: 6 pm to 6 am
fancy apple curry disch pokemon sleep

Up to 15 ingredients are required for one dish to be cooked (this can be boosted to 30 at the end of the week). Initially, players can only use the Auto Cook function where the game will throw 15 random ingredients to start the meal-making. Because the used items are random, the end result will also be unexpected. However, if people have been using Pikachu in their helper team, the number of Apples the Pikachu collected will likely cause the meal to end up being Fresh Apple Curry, which demands seven Apples to initially create.

manual cooking choose a recipe pokemon sleep unlock

The Choose a Recipe function in Pokemon Sleep can be utilized after players study at least 12 different sleeping styles. Simply tap the Snorlax during meal time, and a new tutorial from Professor Neroli will start, explaining how people can cook manually using the ingredients they wish to use.

choose a recipe pokemon sleep

First, in the Cooking interface, press on Choose a Recipe. Here, the meals players have made in the past will be recorded, and they can simply press on it to whip out the same meal. However, as 15 ingredients are still required, people must choose the filler items manually.

Players can use less than 15 Ingredients, but it will greatly reduce the Dish Strength, so it's not recommended.

Since the entire component can be chosen personally, players can stick to the relevant ingredients. Sometimes, a dish will turn out to be Extra Tasty, which increases the Dish Strength and gives Snorlax more points to level up. Additionally, players should pay attention to the weekly Snorlax’s favorite meal as it also boosts the effectiveness of the meal.

Pokemon Sleep is available now for mobile devices.

MORE: Pokemon Sleep: Is the Premium Pass Worth It?