In Pokemon Sleep, Berries are the primary Strength source. Players must feed the Snorlax these fruits to increase its Drowsy Power and lure more Pokemon.

Despite their straightforward description, Berries in Pokemon Sleep can be confusing for beginners due to the game's automatic resource-gathering mechanic and hidden Berry Note entries that only unlock after collecting at least one of each kind. This guide, however, clarifies everything about these mysterious fruits by providing a complete list of all Pokemon Sleep Berries and explaining how to obtain them.

RELATED: List of All Items in Pokemon Sleep

List of All Berries in Pokemon Sleep

image showing some of snorlax's favorite berries in pokemon sleep.

There are 18 different types of Berries in Pokemon Sleep. Of these, non has a unique power or effect. But depending on the Snorlax’s preferences, some Berries might grant twice as much Strength as usual.

Here are all the collectible Berries in Pokemon Sleep:

  • Wiki Berry
  • Yache Berry
  • Persim Berry
  • Pamtre Berry
  • Sitrus Berry
  • Leppa Berry
  • Belue Berry
  • Cheri Berry
  • Chesto Berry
  • Lum Berry
  • Oran Berry
  • Mango Berry
  • Rawst Berry
  • Grepa Berry
  • Figy Berry
  • Durin Berry
  • Bulk Berry
  • Pecha Berry

How to Get Different Berries

image showing a pokemon with berries specialty in pokemon sleep.

To collect a specific Berry, players will need to recruit a Pokemon with a “Berries” Specialty. These creatures are likelier to collect the most common Berries of that island. But resource gathering is pretty much RNG-based in Pokemon Sleep, and there seems to be no way to guarantee getting a specific fruit.

Players should also note that each Helper Pokemon has a Carry Limit that determines how many Berries (or Ingredients) it can collect. Once a Helper hits the cap, it automatically feeds some of its items to Snorlax before collecting more.

How to Collect More Berries

image showing the helper whistle in pokemon sleep.

One way to gather extra Berries is by recruiting Pokemon with the ‘Berry Finding S’ or ‘Helping Speed M’ skill. These abilities allow a creature to collect extra fruits faster, increasing the total harvest of each session. Players can also blow a Helper Whistle, which instantly gives three hours’ worth of Berries.

It's also a good idea to form a Berry-focused team with Lonely, Adamant, Naughty, and Brave Natures. Such teams have above-average helping speed and gather more resources in short periods.

How Do Pokemon Sleep Berries Differ

Although the game offers different descriptions for each Berry, they do not differ in any specific way. However, when a Berry is on the Snorlax’s wish list on an island, it typically grants twice as much Strength as other fruits.

Berries are not used in cooking and won’t affect any dishes and recipes . It’s also impossible to sell them since they’re directly fed to the Snorlax—and don’t appear in the Bag.

Pokemon Sleep is available now for mobile devices.

MORE:List of All Pokemon In Pokemon Sleep