A Pokemon fan recommends using a Persian to help complete the Pokemon Scarletand Violet Pokedex. Completing any given Pokemon game's Pokedex is no simple matter. It takes a lot of time and effort, not to mention luck. Any advantage that makes it easier for a Pokemon trainer to capture Pokemon is welcome. When it comes to Pokemon Scarlet andViolet, Persian may just be the advantage that players are looking for.

As Pokemon fans are well aware, there's an art to capturing Pokemon. It isn't just a matter of having the correct Poke Ball, though that obviously helps. Having Pokemon abilities that can debilitate wild Pokemon with status effects like Sleep or Paralysis are key. Lowering a Pokemon's HP without knocking them out is also a huge priority, made harder by leveling up Pokemon so that most of their abilities will knock out in just a single hit.

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Persian is, according to Reddit user Rtrohde, the perfect answer to all of these problems in Pokemon ScarletandViolet. They start their post by telling players that if their goal is to complete the Pokemon ScarletandViolet Pokedex, "Get a Persian, overlevel it, and go catch 'em all." That's because Persian has what Rtrohde describes as "almost" all of the ideal Pokemon moves optimal for catching and collecting Pokemon. These moves include False Swipe, Hypnosis, Thunder Wave, Taunt, and Rest.

It isn't just an optimal selection of Pokemon abilities that make Persian a perfect choice, though. Rtrohde also mentions that Persian's typing, which is pure Normal, ensures his False Swipe has STAB (Same-type attack bonus) for 50% more damage. Further, using the ability Technician can grant False Swipe an additional 50% multiplier. Persian also has high Speed, which helps it apply status effects before being attacked, and Persian's Normal typing makes it strong to everything but Fighting.

There's quite a bit more to creating a perfect Persian for capturing Pokemon, of course. For example, Hypnosis is an egg move that can only be given to Persian through the use of picnics and the Mirror Herb. Just leveling up a Persian to be useful catching high-level Pokemon is an endeavor most may not want to invest in. But for dedicated Pokemon trainers, Persian is a great option.

For Pokemon fans hoping for a simpler solution in Pokemon ScarletandViolet, throwing Quick Balls is fast and easy. If the Quick Ball doesn't work, just escape from the fight and try again. And, barring that, just play normally with the Pokemon already caught. Sometimes, playing normally is the best way to have fun. Having a cute Persian certainly won't hurt, though.

Pokemon ScarletandViolet are available now on Nintendo Switch.

MORE: 8 Tips For Completing The Pokedex In Pokemon Scarlet & Violet