Following its reveal for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, it seems Game Freak had duped expectations between in-game sketches and the actual Paradox Pokemon Walking Wake and Iron Leaves, though there could be some reasoning behind this misdirection. Though they hadn't been confirmed at the time, thanks to book sketches and the subsequent leaked details from Scarlet and Violet datamining many players were anticipating new forms for the Legendary Pokemon Suicune and Virizion as potential DLC content for Scarlet and Violet. However, while these sketches seemed to promise that these forms would be amalgams of their respective trios, this wasn't to be the case at their official introduction.

But there could be some logic behind this discrepancy, with possible explanations ranging from the real-world inspiration of explorers' retelling of "monsters" they encounter being overblown and sensationalized to potential hints at more to come for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet's post-launch content. With a schedule now outlined for the rest of 2023 with two phases of DLC content between The Teal Mask and The Indigo Disk, Scarlet and Violet could be set to add new Pokemon, forms, and more as the year progresses. Even so, these sketches at least do invoke a certain degree of skepticism, as they could demonstrate Game Freak's uncertainty regarding its future plans.

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Pokemon Scarlet and Violet's Sketches Call Back To Real-World Monster Sightings

Area Zero

Players are likely already familiar with the gaming tropes of monsters based on the real-world parallel of cryptids and urban legends, from deep-sea creatures like the Kraken to mountain-dwelling humanoids like Sasquatch and abominable snowmen. However, while this field of "cryptozoology" with its conspiracies and myths can be alluring to its fans, there are often reasonable explanations as to what kinds of creatures individuals actually witnessed. For instance, upright bears could be confused at a distance for the infamous Bigfoot, while sea monsters could be explained away by actual giant squid reaching the ocean's surface or even amorous male whales with certain tentacle-looking appendages.

Even in the modern-day, centuries on from when folklore and mythos began forming around such creatures, people are still passionate about the mysteries these monsters hold. Scarlet and Violet appear then to be tapping directly into this cultural phenomenon, where its Paradox Pokemon serve as the series' counterpart to similar "monsters" in a world already populated by commonplace pocket monsters which plays perfectly into Scarlet and Violet's expeditions and exploration.

Consequently, this could be an explanation as to why the sketches seen in the respective books from the game appear so different compared to the actual Walking Wake and Iron Leaves in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. Possibly influenced by similar monster sightings that sensationalized and exaggerated simpler concepts into grander creatures such as bears turning into Sasquatch, then so too could the three-in-one Paradox Pokemon sketches be explorers' imaginations getting the better of them in recollecting what they saw. As a result, the sketches were red herrings that had a unique opportunity to make canonical sense.

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet's Sketches Could Hint at Other Paradox Pokemon


Another reason why there's a contrast between what was seemingly promised to players via Scarlet and Violet's sketches and what was actually delivered could be a hint at new Pokemon further down the line. Based on the knowledge that ancient and future forms were planned in advance for Suicune and Virizion in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, it would seem to be an unfortunate error on Game Freak's behalf to have still included the sketches knowing they were inaccurate. Either these sketches were intended to be red herrings as mentioned to misdirect fans' attention, or these sketches are clues that more is yet to come.

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With Scarlet and Violet's post-launch content projected now to continue all the way through 2023 at least with two phases of DLC, then there's ample opportunity for Game Freak to reveal more Paradox Pokemon based on these sketches. Since the sketches clearly share characteristics with the remaining members of the legendary trios, this could suggest that there might be ancient Paradox forms planned for Raikou and Entei and future Paradox forms for Cobalion and Terrakion. Moreover, these forms could help tide players over with all-new Pokemon between the gaps in DLC releases, just as Walking Wake and Iron Leaves were released for periodically limited-run raids.

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet's Sketches Might Have Been Overlooked


As much as there might be fervent speculation into why these book sketches wound up being so dissimilar to their eventual counterparts, a more objective explanation is that it's an oversight Scarlet and Violet's DLC attempted to resolve as best as possible. Much like those who believe in cryptids and creatures of legend regardless of any rational or scientific reasoning, fans might have a vested hope that Game Freak had had the foresight to subtly tease new Paradox forms ahead of their reveal, but the reality could just be disappointing albeit real. They might not have been red herrings or misdirections, and more just Game Freak's original designs being amended.

Justification for this comes from the fact that just as Walking Wake and Iron Leaves were teased through these book sketches, so too was Terapagos. Not only does Terapagos look different from its own sketches, but altogether the three were the only remaining hints of future content remaining within Scarlet and Violet. Any new content showcased now will most likely be coming directly from Game Freak as it builds toward its DLC for Scarlet and Violet. Already a handful of new Pokemon have been revealed and similar to Pokemon Sword and Shield's own DLC there is a chance for more to come, but more Paradox Legendaries seem unlikely.

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet are available now for Nintendo Switch.

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