
  • Pokemon Scarlet and Violet's Indigo Disk DLC expansion adds new species of Pokemon, but the game still excludes many from previous generations.
  • The DLC focuses on the Paldea region and takes place after the base game, expanding the Pokedex available in Scarlet and Violet.
  • Still, each generation of Pokemon has missing species in the game, including fan favorites and regional forms that may never become available.

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet’s The Indigo Disk DLC expansion is officially out, and it has come with some major additions. Following the release of The Teal Mask before it, this latest expansion sees players leaving the Paldea region to embark on an adventure taking place after the base game. Similar to the other DLC content of Pokemon’s Nintendo Switch era games, The Indigo Disk expands on the Pokedex that has been available in Scarlet and Violet up to now. It may add several new species of Pokemon from every generation, but there are still many that didn't make the cut.

Pokemon’s ninth generation has followed a pattern established back in Sword and Shield, the exclusion of the series’ previously staple National Pokedex. Scarlet and Violet introduced a whole new set of creatures with its Paldea Dex, but it also left a lot of them behind as unobtainable relics of the past. Even if players have them in Pokemon Home, many species of Pokemon still can't be transferred into the latest mainline titles since they don't properly exist in them. The Indigo Disk’s returning Pokemon are plentiful overall, but the massive quantity of Pocket Monsters from throughout years prior has still resulted in the exclusion of many.

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet's Indigo Disk Breaks the Fourth Wall With One NPC

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet's Indigo Disk features some interesting characters, and one of them has a unique surprise in store for players.

Missing Pokemon From Generation 1

It may be true that The Indigo Disk introduces more returning Pokemon from Kanto than other regions, there’s still a sizable number that have yet to appear. Fan favorites like the starters and Legendaries made it back into Gen 9, but several of the deeper cuts, their regional forms included, may not ever become available.

  • Caterpie
  • Metapod
  • Butterfree
  • Weedle
  • Kakuna
  • Beedrill
  • Pidgey
  • Pigeotto
  • Pidgeot
  • Ratata
  • Alolan Ratata
  • Raticate
  • Alolan Raticate
  • Spearow
  • Fearow
  • Nidoran (Female)
  • Nidoria
  • Nidoqueen
  • Nidoran (Male)
  • Nidorino
  • Nidoking
  • Zubat
  • Golbat
  • Paras
  • Parasect
  • Abra
  • Kadabra
  • Alakazam
  • Machop
  • Machoke
  • Machamp
  • Ponyta
  • Galarian Ponyta
  • Rapidash
  • Galarian Rapidash
  • Farfetch’d
  • Galarian Farfetch’d
  • Onix
  • Krabby
  • Kingler
  • Cubone
  • Marowak
  • Alolan Marowak
  • Lickitung
  • Tangela
  • Kangaskhan
  • Goldeen
  • Seaking
  • Staryu
  • Starmie
  • Mr. Mime
  • Galarian Mr. Mime
  • Jynx
  • Pinsir
  • Omanyte
  • Omastar
  • Kabuto
  • Kabutops
  • Aerodactyl

Missing Pokemon From Generation 2

The majority of Johto’s most relevant Pokemon have already found a place within Scarlet and Violet, leaving a few outliers. Fans of Pokemon like Shuckle and Wobbuffet are still outspoken despite their typical status as underdogs, leaving some potential for future additions.

  • Ledyba
  • Ledian
  • Crobat
  • Togepi
  • Togetic
  • Natu
  • Xatu
  • Unown
  • Wobbuffet
  • Steelix
  • Shuckle
  • Corsola
  • Galarian Corsola
  • Remoraid
  • Octillery
  • Mantine
  • Smoochum
  • Miltank
  • Celebi

Missing Pokemon From Generation 3

Many of the popular Pokemon from the Hoenn region have already found their way into Gen 9, with the remaining species representing many roles that others already play in Scarlet and Violet. Fans would likely be excited to have the Aggron line and Wailord, but these aren't absolute must-haves for most.

  • Zigzagoon
  • Galarian Zigzagoon
  • Linoone
  • Galarian Linoone
  • Wurmple
  • Silcoon
  • Beautifly
  • Cascoon
  • Dustox
  • Taillow
  • Swellow
  • Nincada
  • Ninjask
  • Whismur
  • Loudred
  • Exploud
  • Skitty
  • Delcatty
  • Mawile
  • Aron
  • Lairon
  • Aggron
  • Electrike
  • Manectric
  • Roselia
  • Carvanha
  • Sharpedo
  • Wailmer
  • Wailord
  • Spinda
  • Lunatone
  • Solrock
  • Baltoy
  • Claydol
  • Lileep
  • Cradily
  • Anorith
  • Armaldo
  • Castform
  • Kecleon
  • Absol
  • Wynaut
  • Spheal
  • Sealeo
  • Walrein
  • Clamperl
  • Huntail
  • Gorebyss
  • Relicanth

Missing Pokemon From Generation 4

Considering just how many Sinnoh Pokemon appear in the combined Paldea and Kitakami Pokedex, it's no surprise that only a few have yet to appear. Evolutions like Togekiss and Tangrowth could be welcome competitive additions, but the majority of fans aren't likely to feel strongly about missing out on Mothim and Purugly.

  • Bidoof
  • Bibarel
  • Budew
  • Roserade
  • Burmy
  • Wormadam
  • Mothim
  • Cherubi
  • Cherrim
  • Buneary
  • Lopunny
  • Glameow
  • Purugly
  • Mime Jr.
  • Chatot
  • Skorupi
  • Drapion
  • Carnivine
  • Mantyke
  • Lickilicky
  • Tangrowth
  • Togekiss

Missing Pokemon From Generation 5

The Blueberry Academy setting of The Indigo Disk is located within Black and White’s Unova region, leading to the natural inclusion of a substantial amount of its Pokemon. The original Unova Pokedex itself is quite huge, however, leading to there still being many species left out of Gen 9 so far.

  • Patrat
  • Watchog
  • Lillipup
  • Herdier
  • Stoutland
  • Purrloin
  • Liepard
  • Pansage
  • Simisage
  • Pansear
  • Simisear
  • Panpour
  • Simipour
  • Munna
  • Musharna
  • Pidove
  • Tranquill
  • Unfezant
  • Roggenrola
  • Boldore
  • Gigalith
  • Woobat
  • Swoobat
  • Audino
  • Tympole
  • Palpitoad
  • Seismitoad
  • Throh
  • Sawk
  • Venipede
  • Whirlipede
  • Scolipede
  • Darumaka
  • Galarian Darumaka
  • Darmanitan
  • Galarian Darmanitan
  • Maractus
  • Dwebble
  • Crustle
  • Sigilyph
  • Yamask
  • Galarian Yamask
  • Cofagrigus
  • Tirtouga
  • Carracosta
  • Archen
  • Archeops
  • Trubbish
  • Garbodor
  • Vanillite
  • Vanillish
  • Vanilluxe
  • Emolga
  • Karrablast
  • Escavalier
  • Frillish
  • Jellicent
  • Ferroseed
  • Ferrothorn
  • Flink
  • Klang
  • Klinglang
  • Elgyem
  • Beheeyem
  • Shelmet
  • Accelgor
  • Stunfisk
  • Galarian Stunfisk
  • Druddigon
  • Bouffalant
  • Heatmor
  • Durant
  • Genesect
  • Victini

Missing Pokemon From Generation 6

Already having a smaller Pokedex to begin with, the Kalos region received few additions in The Indigo Disk on top of this. Its popular Legendary Pokemon like Xerneas are sure to be missed, but the less memorable creatures of Gen 6 aren't likely to cause much of a stir.

  • Bunnelby
  • Diggersby
  • Pancham
  • Pangoro
  • Furfrou
  • Honedge
  • Doublade
  • Aegislash
  • Spritzee
  • Aromatisse
  • Swirlix
  • Slurpuff
  • Binacle
  • Barbaracle
  • Helioptile
  • Heliolisk
  • Tyrunt
  • Tyrantrum
  • Amaura
  • Aurorus
  • Pumpkaboo
  • Gourgeist
  • Xerneas
  • Yveltal
  • Zygarde

Missing Pokemon From Generation 7

Some key members of the Alola Pokedex have made their return, but there's also a good number that couldn't make the transition. Between the likes of Type: Null, Tapu family, and the Ultra Beasts, it's safe to say that some of the franchise's most experimental Pokemon concepts have been left out and left more potential for a Pokemon Legends Alola game.

  • Wishiwashi
  • Morelull
  • Shiinotic
  • Stufful
  • Bewear
  • Wimpod
  • Golisopod
  • Pyukumuku
  • Type: Null
  • Silvally
  • Turtonator
  • Togedemaru
  • Drampa
  • Dhelmise
  • Tapu Koko
  • Tapu Lele
  • Tapu Bulu
  • Tapu Fini
  • Nihilego
  • Buzzwole
  • Pheromosa
  • Xurkitree
  • Celesteela
  • Kartana
  • Guzzlord
  • Marshadow
  • Poipole
  • Naganadel
  • Stakataka
  • Blacephalon
  • Zeraora
  • Meltan
  • Melmetal

Missing Pokemon From Generation 8

There are certainly a few Pokemon of the Galar Pokedex that didn't have a huge impact on fans, but there are also some surprising exclusions from Gen 8 in The Indigo Disk. Similar to Alola's representation, Galar loses regional forms and some of its outlandish Pokemon like Dracovish.

  • Blipbug
  • Dottler
  • Orbeetle
  • Nickit
  • Theivul
  • Gossifleur
  • Eldegoss
  • Wooloo
  • Dubwool
  • Yamper
  • Boltund
  • Sizzlipede
  • Centiskorch
  • Clobbopus
  • Grapploct
  • Obstagoon
  • Cursola
  • Sirfetch’d
  • Mr. Rime
  • Runerigus
  • Dracozolt
  • Arctozolt
  • Dracovish
  • Arctovish