Pokemon Scarlet and Violet are selling like hotcakes, which would be good news for virtually everyone except that a lot of people are playing the games and encountering an unusual number of glitches. Some of those glitches are just plain frustrating, but some of them are also amusing. That's certainly the case for one newly discovered Pokemon Scarlet and Violet glitch, which is most likely to affect players who wander off the beaten path while astride a water Pokemon.

The list of glitches discovered so far includes a horrifying Pokemon Scarlet and Violet selfie that is pure nightmare fuel, exploits that allow players to more easily acquire precious resources, animation issues, and various other minor snags in between. Perhaps none of the assorted blemishes will produce a chuckle as quickly as one discovered yesterday, however.

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In a Reddit post, user Clupzard shared a video showing their trainer riding a water-based Pokemon until it comes within range of a cutscene introducing another character. The perspective then shifts, so that the trainer walks to the other character (and then passes through them) while the sound of sloshing water accompanies the interaction. Neither character acknowledges the other, which is probably for the best given that the trainer appears to have initiated a silly walk contest. The incident doesn't mark the first time in 2022 that Pokemon fans have seen a Pokemon make walking funny, either.

There are enough Water-types in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet that players who are interested in a few cheap laughs should have little difficulty replicating the sequence themselves. They might wish to hurry, however, since the developers at Game Freak are likely to address the matter with a subsequent patch.

With any release as complex as a Pokemon game, even with a development budget as large as Nintendo's, occasional issues are bound to go unnoticed during the quality control process. Unfortunately, Pokemon Scarlet and Violet's technical problems are made all the more apparent by the games' own sales success. The games needed to ship in time for the holiday shopping window – and they did – but damage to the brand's reputation remains a consideration. Hopefully, Nintendo and Game Freak will not stretch their resources too thin as they work on the next installment in a series that people continue to love without reservation, even if sometimes the trainers walk in curious ways.

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet are available on Nintendo Switch.

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