The time has come again for a mainline Pokemon game to release. This time, Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet are set for the end of 2022. After experimentation with the concept in Pokemon Sword and Shield and Pokemon Legends: Arceus, these two will be the first truly open world entries in the Pokemon franchise. Combined with seamless cooperative multiplayer and open structure of progression, Pokemon Scarlet and Violet may be the most advanced Pokemon iteration yet.

The only problem is that, at the moment, the emphasis is on "may be." Despite these games coming out in a few months, no one knows much about them. Fan hype is at the highest it's been in years, but no trailer is surfacing to capitalize on it. What's worse is that leaks and rumors for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet have been surging out of control over the summer. Fans might know a lot about the game right now, or they may have had their expectations set incorrectly. No one knows for sure, and it feels like another trailer should be here by now. With all the discussion going on about Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, there are a number of important details that should be clarified in the next trailer.

RELATED: The Best Features in Pokemon Legends: Arceus That Should Return in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

What is the Gimmick for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet?

Pawmi standing in front of a pokemon centre in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

One of the most burning questions that Pokemon fans have is what new gimmick will define Generation 9 Pokemon games. Ever since Rotation and Triple Battles were introduced in Pokemon Black and White, there has always been some sort of battle gimmick that appears within one or two generations before leaving. This has included the popular Mega Evolution, Z-Moves, and Dynamaxing. One could argue that Pokemon Legends’ altered turn system is another one of these. Rumor has it that Scarlet and Violet will introduce a mid-battle Type change, possibly involving a Pokemon being reverted or evolved into a future or past form.

That's not the only time-based gimmick that fans are waiting on, either. There's also a lot of discussion about what sort of gimmick will affect Pokemon Scarlet and Violet’s field gameplay. Time travel is again a popular theory, and has already been supported by the differing past and future aesthetics of the Pokemon Professors and box legendaries. The mechanic is ripe for puzzle-solving opportunities and expanding the number of Pokemon that can be caught in one area. It also complies with players with different game versions playing in the same space, and could be used to allow Scarlet players to catch Violet-exclusive Pokemon and vice versa. As it stands, players will just have to wait and see what surprises these new Pokemon games have in store.

RELATED: Weirdest Pokemon Evolution Requirements and Why Scarlet and Violet Need Them

How Will Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Be Structured?

Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet Embrace RPG Design

Speaking of time travel affecting the field, there is still some ambiguity as to how Pokemon Scarlet and Violet will unfold. Supposedly, players will be able to walk out into the open world, and even challenge gyms out of order. This sort of control has never been placed in the player's hands before, and there can be other players running around while this is happening. How these elements all fit together is not clear yet, and fans are worried about how travel and progression will be handled. It would be nice to see a slice of the player's journey actually play out in a trailer.

Part of this is once again owed to rumors, but it's also a real logistical concern. It's not clear yet whether gyms will actually scale with the player’s progress, so the possibility of them taking on challenges ahead of their power curve and becoming too strong for early ones is real. It's also unknown how geographical progression will be restricted, and whether the traditional Helpful Machines or Ride Pokemon will need to be acquired before parts of the open world truly open up. Pokemon Scarlet and Violet may turn out to be so different as to be confusing to fans who have spent decades with the Pokemon formula. A demonstration is in order for the whole community to understand what they're getting into.

Quelling Rumors and Confirming Features

pokemon scarlet and violet

Above all else, it would be nice to feel like the community has a firm grasp on what is and isn't in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. Top priority should be confirming whether the various leaks and rumors are true. One major rumor is the existence of Convergent Pokemon, or “Regional Fakes.” These Pokemon are different species that have evolved some of the same traits as others. If this is indeed the latest take on regional variants, it would be nice to actually see it in action. There's also the matter of crystallized Pokemon, which was another rumored battle gimmick that could enhance moves of one type. There's so much misinformation right now that some falsehoods need to be quelled.

With the release date coming up quickly, the reveals of many new Pokemon for Scarlet and Violet's region are expected. They’ll probably also be doled out over a few months like usual, but it feels like the next major trailer needs to catch up on lost marketing time. Explaining how exactly the newest gym challenge works and who some new gym leaders are would be good, and it feels important to show off what can be done in shared-world multiplayer. Even this many years in, the Pokemon world is still ripe for discovery, and entries that leans into that potential are sure to impress — as soon as those impressive things are actually seen.

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet will be released on November 18th, 2022, exclusively for Nintendo Switch.

MORE: Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Might Give Love to More Neglected Classic Pokemon