A central concept in the Pokémon world is that of evolution. The ins and outs of this process vary: they can be unique and utterly bizarre at times (who the heck decided that Inkay could only evolve if the console was turned upside down), while other Pokémon are very easy to evolve. It all comes down to particular species.

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We all know the basics of the process, though: a given Pokémon evolves into its next form, usually enjoying a boost to its stats and maybe a new typing along the way. However, not all evolutions are made equal. Of the Pokémon, which only evolve once, we’re taking a look at some that really need a third form and others that are absolutely fine as they are.


Croagunk and Toxicroak are very unique Pokémon. As the only Poison/Fighting critters in the series, they boast an entirely unique STAB combination and are the only Pokémon in existence with a 4x weakness to Psychic (if that’s anything to boast about, which it isn’t).

Toxicroak is a relatively powerful physical attacker, but there’s just more that could be teased out here. With access to a stronger Fighting move and a little more Attack/Speed, a further Toxicroak evolution could be a powerhouse.


There’s no denying that Game Freak has never really given the Bug-type a fair shake. Since the days of Generation I, when a Twineedle-ing Beedrill was the best Bug you could muster, the typing has had a bad name. Steadily, though, better Bug Pokémon wielding better Bug-type moves have been introduced, few as formidable as Volcarona.

Larvesta doesn’t evolve until level 59, but its final form is more than worth the wait. With base 135 Special Attack, 105 Special Defense and 100 Speed, this Fire/Bug Pokémon is a monstrous special sweeper, armed with Quiver Dance and very powerful STAB and coverage moves. It’s super vulnerable to physical attacks, but when played well, Volcarona is one of the scariest special attackers in the series and absolutely does not need to evolve again.


In a way, Nickit and Thievul are the perfect examples of early-game Pokémon. They’re nothing particularly strong, but their design is appealing (lots of players surely wanted to snap this one up when they saw it) and they’re good enough to go the distance in the main game. Overall, though, this evolution line is very average.

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Its special stats far exceed its physical ones (but are still very average), making it quite a frail special attacker. Sadly, though, it’s a pure Dark line, learning only one special move naturally: the weak Snarl. An evolution above Thievul, with more power and a better movepool, would’ve worked wonders here.


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Now, nobody’s saying that Abomasnow is one of the most dazzling Pokémon around. Since its introduction in Generation IV, this line has had a fairly niche use, working best as a very slow mixed attacker and hail setter for Trick Room/Hail teams (Hail Room).

Outside of this, its speed and array of unfortunate weaknesses (Ice and Grass isn’t a fun combination to be lumbered with) really limit its potential. In terms of mixed stats, design, and movepool, it’s hard to see where Abomasnow could go from here. Its Mega Evolution aside, it’s already a pretty perfect version of what it is.


Look away now, arachnophobes. This entry was a close call between Spinarak/Ariados and its fellow spidery disappointment Joltik/Galvantula, but the former eventually won out. Galvantula, after all, has its limitations, but it can be surprisingly potent with its access to Compound Eyes Thunder, Sticky Web, and its far better stats.

Ariados, meanwhile, is a Pokémon crying out for an all-around stat boost. Its Attack is solid enough, but everything else is woefully low. A further evolution could fix that problem nicely.



Volcarona’s fellow Generation V newcomer, Excadrill, is a Pokémon that has left one heck of a mark on competitive play since its release. You know, the kind of ‘mark’ Godzilla leaves on a busy city after one of his friendly visits.

Drilbur is one of the most unassuming and adorable Pokémon you can imagine, but something seems to flip in its brain at level 31. On evolution into the Ground/Steel Excadrill, it becomes an offensive monster. Its defenses are sorely lacking (though its high HP helps with that), but it has very high Attack, excellent coverage and STAB moves and the Sand Rush Ability. When partnered with Tyranitar, it can tear through the hopes and dreams of opposing Pokémon like nobody’s business. Defensive sets are also an option, but either way, Excadrill has precisely zero need to evolve further.


Generation I had quite a few candidates for our list, but as far as we’re concerned, Spearow fits the bill the best. This tiny, innocent-looking Flying-type must have been so proud of itself, evolving into the huge and intimidating Fearow.

RELATED: Pokémon: The 10 Best Flying Moves, Ranked

Sadly, Fearow just falls short everywhere else. It’s meant as a speedy attacker, but it just falls short in both Speed and Attack. It’s passable in both and has access to a solid movepool for a Normal/Flying critter, but needs to be pushed just a little further.



In some ways, Mudbray and Snover are in a similar situation. They evolve into very slow, solid, powerful Pokémon that have their shortcomings, but it’s hard to see how an evolution could help that without compromising what they are.

Game Freak nailed the concept here. Mudsdale is an excellent physical tank, with high HP, Defense (Special Defense isn’t bad either), and Attack. It also has the Stamina Ability, which boosts its Defense whenever it’s attacked directly. It can be very tough to take down and deals huge damage in return, making it just perfect the way it is.


It’s a shame to have to talk a little smack about Poochyena here. After all, in terms of design, Mightyena is really everything you’d want this little Dark-type’s evolution to look like, and we can respect that.

The problem is that it’s just so utterly, painfully average, stats-wise. With a little more Speed, Power and… essentially everything else, it could a threat to be reckoned with. At the very least, it could be solid all around.


Again, Bergmite and Avalugg aren’t exactly the best Pokémon around. It’s not easy being a defensive Ice-type, with Ice being weak to absolutely everything in the world ever, but this gutsy evolution line does its best.

Avalugg has incredible physical stats, with base 184 Defense. Attack of 117 means that it hits back darn hard too, and it also has reliable recovery. All of these are huge assets for a physical wall, and in the end it’s only let down by its typing, not its stats. Its Special Defense is hilariously bad, but it’s supposed to be, so we definitely can’t count that as a reason to need an evolution. Avalugg is also fine as it is.

NEXT: 5 Reasons Ice Is The Worst Pokémon Type (& 5 Reasons It’s Bug)