
  • Pokemon can be cute, but some have disturbing characteristics. Haunter paralyzes & drains life, Froslass kidnaps, and Cacturne stalks in the desert.
  • Legendary Yveltal drains life, while Darkrai turns dreams into nightmares. Hypno hypnotizes and kidnaps kids, and Giratina is seen as devilish.
  • Not all Pokemon are cuddly - Banette is evil due to hateful energy, and Giratina is seen as the source of all evil in the Pokemon world.

The Pokemon games have made a name for themselves by being a great franchise for young children. Every three years, a new mainline entry into the series is released to try and appeal to the next generation of kids. The franchise mascot, Pikachu, and the trio of new regional starter Pokemon are cute enough to pique the interest of any young child.

The 38 Most Horrifying Pokedex Entries Across The Pokemon Games

There are some truly terrifying Pokemon out there, and their horrifying Pokedex entries only drive that home.

However, every new Pokemon game brings with it a vast number of new creatures to the series. Not all of these Pokemon can be cute and cuddly, and some of them are downright evil. Their Pokedex entries and behavior often confirm these moral leanings.

8 Cacturne

A Desert Wanderer's Worst Nightmare

Cacturne standing beside cacti in the desert in Pokemon
Pokemon Sapphire

November 21, 2002
Game Freak
  • Dex Number 332
  • Type: Grass/Dark

The cactus Pokemon, Cacturne, is a grass-type player's dream. Its scarecrow-like design looks appealing, and its additional dark typing allows it to withstand some of the most powerful psychic attacks. However, Cacturne's scariness extends beyond its real-world physical influence.

As its design would suggest, Cacturne is a scarecrow Pokemon that is most at home when it is in the desert. Unfortunately, it is not content to just stand in place and absorb the sunlight. According to its Pokedex entry from Pokemon: Sapphire, Cacturne comes to life at night to follow travelers until they get tired. What this Pokemon does when it catches these travelers is anyone's guess. However, it is certain to be something evil.

7 Haunter

One Of The Original Ghosts

Pokemon Yellow

Nintendo Game Boy
October 18, 1999
Game Freak
  • Dex Number: 093
  • Type: Ghost/Poison

In the Pokemon anime, Haunter is portrayed as more of a jovial creature. This Pokemon joins Ash on his journey as the young trainer needs a ghost-type Pokemon to help him defeat the psychic-type gym leader, Sabrina. Haunter has some fun of his own, though, by playing tricks on Team Rocket and leaving Ash on the battlefield, only to return at the last minute.

In the games, Haunter is depicted as more of a malevolent presence. Its dex entry from Pokemon: Yellow says that Haunter licks a person to paralyze them and watches until their life force is slowly drained. That isn't the behavior of anything on the side of good.

6 Froslass

The Icy Siren

Pokemon Diamond and Pearl Froslass
Pokémon Sun

Nintendo 3DS
November 18, 2016
Game Freak
  • Dex Number: 478
  • Type: Ice/Ghost

Froslass was a later addition to the Snowrunt line and was introduced in Generation 4. This Pokemon is supposed to be a more elegant evolution option for players who want to use something other than the angry-looking Glalie. Since its design is based on a siren from mythology, Froslass achieves this goal quite well. However, players should be wary about this icy ghost's intentions.

The 23 Best Ice Pokemon, Ranked

There are plenty of unique Ice-types in the Pokemon universe. This group stands out as the best available to players.

In its dex entry from Pokemon: Sun, it states that Froslass freezes those walking in the snowy mountains and takes them back to its cave. While this behavior may not be lethal, kidnapping adventurers is still evil.

5 Banette

A Spooky Doll

Banette in Pokemon
  • Dex Number: 354
  • Type: Ghost

In a game series like Pokemon, it seems like a no-brainer to create a creature in this universe that is based on a child's doll. GameFreak has proved that almost anything can be used for the inspiration behind a Pokemon's design, and using a child's favorite toy for a Pokemon like Banette makes perfect sense. Though, there was no need to make it so evil.

Banette is not a cuddly toy that is intent on protecting the trainer it loves. Instead, it is a possessed nightmare that was discarded by its original owner. As a result, this Pokemon is now an evil force that is created by hateful energy. This energy is what makes it so evil.

4 Yveltal

The Generation Six Legendary

Yveltal surrounded by fire and collapsing buildings at night in Pokemon
Pokémon Y

October 12, 2013
Game Freak
  • Dex Number: 717
  • Type: Dark/Flying

The legendary Pokemon in every new generation are always something to look forward to. These powerful beasts are often fought by the player as a part of the main story, and catching such a Pokemon is normally a reward for progressing so far in the game. Sometimes the legendary Pokemon are benevolent creatures that need protection, and other times, they are destructive forces that need to be stopped.

Yveltal fits into the latter part of these legendaries, and it is exclusive to Pokemon: Y. This Pokemon is caught by the player as its resurrection could bring about an evil time in the Pokemon world. Its Pokedex entry from Omega Ruby says that Yveltal drains the life of all those who are near when it flaps its wings.

3 Darkrai

The Nightmare Pokemon

  • Dex Number: 491
  • Type: Dark

Even the dreams of the people in the Pokemon world are not safe from some of the forces at work in that reality. For instance, the legendary Pokemon, Darkrai, is known as the nightmare Pokemon, and its main duty is to enter people's dreams and turn them into nightmares. While nightmares are a normal part of life, no one wants to be subjected to a horrific nightmare every time they sleep just because Darkrai is near.

6 Pokemon That Could've Been Humans In The Past

It's easy to spot Pokemon that are based on animals and food, but some Pokemon are so human-like they may have actually been humans in a past life.

What makes this Pokemon more evil is the fact that each of its Pokedex entries states that Darkrai can lull people to sleep. Therefore, this malevolent dark-type is willingly putting people to sleep and forcing them to relive their biggest fears.

2 Hypno

A Pokemon Who Uses Its Psychic Ability For Evil

best horror theme pokemon team hypno
Pokemon FireRed

September 7, 2004
Game Freak
  • Dex Number: 097
  • Type: Psychic

Hyno has always been a Pokemon that has given players the creeps. Its innate ability to use its pendulum to hypnotize people and eat their dreams is sinister, and it is the main strategy that trainers use when battling with this Pokemon. However, there are some things about Hypno that make it cross the line from being purely creepy to evil.

Hypno's Pokedex entry from Pokemon: FireRed mentions a time when this Pokemon hypnotized and kidnapped a child. There is no reason why this Pokemon would do something like this, but stealing defenseless victims is definitely something everyone can agree is evil.

1 Giratina

The Source Of All Evil

giratina origin form in pokemon generations anime
Pokémon Platinum

Nintendo DS
March 22, 2009
Game Freak
  • Dex Number: 487
  • Type: Ghost/Dragon

Religion is not something that plays a big part in the Pokemon games. There is no reason to suggest that any of the major faiths from the real world have any bearing on what has happened in this family-friendly game. However, the Pokemon universe opened up a can of worms when it introduced the creator Pokemon, Arceus, in Generation 4. If there is a purely good God Pokemon, then there also must be an evil counter.

That is exactly what Giratina was created to be. As the main legendary in Pokemon: Platinum, this creature is largely regarded as the devil of the Pokemon world. Its violent behavior in the past was so severe that it was banished and trapped in another dimension called the distortion world. Giratina's existence makes it a truly evil Pokemon, but it also means that it is responsible for all the other evils in the Pokemon world.

The 30 Worst-Designed Pokemon Of All Time

Pokemon designs can be pretty hit or miss regardless of which generation you're looking at, but these Pokemon's designs are flat-out duds.