Pokemon Red and Blue initially released the US in September 1998, with the Pokemon franchise beginning in Japan just a few years earlier. It seems safe to say these games hold a special place in the hearts of many-a-Pokemon fan, as they may have been the first games they played. Bulbasaur, Squirtle, and Charmander are some of the first Pokemon starters they encountered, with the legendary birds, Mew, and Mewtwo being some of the first legendaries.

In these early Pokemon games, it is noted that Mew gives birth to Mewtwo on February 6th, so considering the Japanese release, that means Mewtwo is 24 years old today. Mewtwo would then been experimented on via gene-splicing experiments to augment its power, leading it to eventually destroying the Cinnabar Island mansion and fleeing into the world. This has led to an existential crisis that Mewtwo faces earlier on in its existence in the Pokemon world. As such, and in honor of Mewtwo's birthday, here are some of the Pokemon's best moments throughout the franchise.

RELATED: Pokemon GO Pokemon Day Event Brings Back Armored Mewtwo, More

Pokemon The First Movie: Mewtwo Strikes Back

crying pikachu mewtwo movie

"I see now that the circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant. It is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are."

The very first Pokemon movie casts Mewtwo into the role of the antagonist but does so utilizing his complex backstory to truly highlight the legendary Pokemon. This leads to one of the saddest moments in Pokemon history, when Ash tries to stop Mewtwo and Mew from fighting. He gets turned to stone, causing Pikachu to cry over his death, and leading Mewtwo to the realization that it's what one does with life that determines their fate.

Mewtwo X and Y

pokemon go new mewtwo form x y or armored

As the games move forward and introduce new Pokemon legendaries, Mewtwo was never truly forgotten, but his role was diminished. However, when Mega Evolutions were introduced, Mewtwo received renewed interest in its two new forms: Mega Mewtwo X and Mega Mewtwo Y. This brought him into the new mainline games of Pokemon X and Y, building off its legacy and popularity to hype Mega Evolutions.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

shiny mewtwo smash bros

Stepping slightly outside the Pokemon franchise is Mewtwo's inclusion in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate (and Super Smash Bros. Melee and Super Smash Bros 4 before that). Generally speaking, Pikachu is the primary mascot of the franchise, with cross-promotions and the like typically focusing on the electric mouse. When and if a legendary Pokemon is involved, though, it's hard to push any legendary other than Mewtwo. After all, not only is it one of the most dynamic legendary Pokemon, it's one of the first.

Armored Mewtwo in Pokemon GO

Armored Mewtwo Event Pokemon GO

Prior to the release of Pokemon Sword and Shield, there was a theory that Armored Evolutions would serve as the game's primary evolution gimmick. That was eventually disproven, with Dynamax replacing it. However, Armored Mewtwo lived on, as the original movie was recently remade and Armored Mewtwo appeared in Pokemon GO. This pays homage to Mewtwo when he was experimented on and continued to show its viable diversity.

As of now, Mewtwo sadly doesn't have a role in the contemporary Pokemon Sword and Shield, yet he has been shown as a catchable legendary in the Crown Tundra expansion. It's unknown if he will have a special Gigantamax form, but given his popularity, it would make a lot of sense.

Detective Pikachu

detective pikachu mewtwo

Another movie that played on Mewtwo's past and used it to perfection is the recent Detective Pikachu movie. It seems in the advertising and early moments of the movie that Mewtwo is the antagonist, the primary enemy, but it's clear that he's so much more than that by the end of it. That's all we'll say to avoid spoilers for anyone who hasn't seen it, but it's clear that the animation, the role of Pikachu, and the role of Mewtwo went a long way with Detective Pikachu breaking the video game movie curse.

There are a ton of moments where Mewtwo is involved in the Pokemon world, and he's been a mainstay in many hearts ever since his introduction. As such, it seems likely that fans around the world are happily saying, "Happy Birthday, Mewtwo!"

Pokemon Sword and Shield are out now, exclusively for the Nintendo Switch.

MORE: Pokemon Fan Shows Off Awesome Mewtwo Cosplay Progress