
  • Talented fan artist, CycloneToya, designed impressive Mega forms for Roserade and Venomoth, showcasing their potential if they had official Mega Evolutions.
  • The fan designs retain the main look of the originals while adding enhanced forms, which could easily be mistaken as official Mega Evolutions.
  • The fan designs draw inspiration from real-life creatures and demonstrate the fans' enthusiasm for potential future Mega Evolutions in upcoming Pokemon games.

A talented Pokemon fan recently designed impressive Mega forms for Roserade and Venomoth. Mega Evolutions were first introduced in Pokemon X and Y, granting certain creatures a temporary new form. These powerful forms offer said Pokemon new abilities during the short time they are active, making them quite popular with fans. So far, there are a total of 48 official Mega Evolutions - though there haven’t been any new ones introduced in years.

Naturally, fans have dreamed up their own custom Mega Evolutions for the many Pokemon that don’t officially have one. Some of the more recent examples include the classic Gen 1 Water-type Starmie, the Fire/Psychic hybrid Delphox (who just so happens to have debuted in the same games as the Mega Evolution mechanic itself), and even the second evolutions for all three of Pokemon Gold and Silver’s starter Pokemon. All of these fan designs have been praised for retaining the main look of the originals while giving them enhanced forms that could have easily been used as official Mega Evolutions.

RELATED: Pokemon Fan Designs Incredible Mega Delphox

Now two more fan-favorite Pokemon can be added to the list of custom Mega Evolutions, thanks to the work of Reddit user and Pokemon fan artist CycloneToya. First, they gave the rosy Grass-type Roserade a stunning Mega form that adds pointy thorns to its flower-like hands. Next comes Venomoth, whose new Mega Evolution gives its wings a stunning purple-and-yellow pattern and its tail several stinger-like tentacles to attract mates. CycloneToya explained that the latter was inspired by the real-life Creatonotos gangis - a type of arctiinae moth native to South East Asia and Australia.

Both of the Pokemon featured in CycloneToya’s latest artwork have been around for a long time. Venomoth was one of the original 150 Pokemon introduced in Pokemon Red and Blue as a Bug/Poison type that evolved from Venonat at Level 31. Meanwhile, Roserade made its first appearance in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl, where it evolves from the Grass/Poison type Roselia when given the Shiny Stone. Roselia in turn evolves from Budew when its friendship with its trainer reaches its highest point during the daytime.

Neither Venomoth nor Roserade have an official Mega Evolution in the Pokemon games, and the ones given to them by CycloneToya do a phenomenal job of imagining what they would look like if they did. Venomoth’s in particular is noteworthy for being based on real-life insects like many official Pokemon designs. Perhaps if Mega Evolutions return in a future Pokemon sequel, Venomoth and Roserade could get new forms similar to these impressive fan designs.

MORE: How Mega Evolution Could Be a Return to Form for Pokemon's Next Generation