A mobile game based on famous splashing Pokemon Magikarp has been released on iOS. The launch follows a surge in the Pokemon's popularity, fuelled in part by the addition of shiny Magikarp to Pokemon GO.

Whispered about earlier this year, a game called Pokemon: Magikarp Jump is now available on iOS, but only for Italian users. Expected to roll out in more territories (and to Android users) soon, the game allows players to use their spare time to grow a "majestic Magikarp" and is described as "simple and suitable for everyone."

Noting that the character is famous for its "uselessness" and that all it does is jump, the game allows players to put that skill to good use. Players must capture and collect Magikarp – which have different levels, colors and styles – as well as train them and feed them berries to improve their jumping skills. Pokemon: Magikarp Jump also features missions in which a player's Magikarp will compete against others to see who can jump the highest. Pikachu, Charizard, Snorlax, and other Pokemon make an appearance and can also be befriended, according to the translated App Store description.

Pokemon Magikarp mobile game

As a free-to-play game, it may not come as a surprise to learn that Pokemon: Magikarp Jump also includes microtransactions. Diamonds appear to be the game's form of premium currency, though it's not immediately clear what these diamonds are used for. It will be interesting to see whether the game can make as much as Pokemon GO, which has earned over $1 billion thanks to players spending the big bucks on its microtransactions.

The Pokemon Company, which is behind the Magikarp mobile game, is clearly spurred on and enthused by the massive success of Pokemon GO. Pokemon: Magikarp Jump is just one of several games that the group is said to have in the works, with recent rumors suggesting that it is also working on a new, Pokemon card-game app as well.

The big question is not just whether or not any of these games can reach the stratospheric heights of Pokemon GO, but whether there are now too many Pokemon mobile games. Several games are vying for fans' attention already, including GO, Duel, the official Trading Card Game app and now Magikarp Jump. And these are just the official titles – it's not including the many knock-off games that have tried to copy the Pokemon formula to entice fans and make a quick buck. This will be answered in the long-term but for now, it seems as though the excitement level is still quite high.