Pokemon Let’s Go Pikachu and Let’s Go Eevee are the latest entries in the Pokemon franchise that were recently released last Friday. Although the games have received positive reviews from critics, some players were left disappointed that led many to “review-bomb” both games, a situation that Fallout 76 can relate to.

While the critic page of Pokemon Let’s Go on Metacritic garnered positive reviews, its user portion was bombarded with negative feedback that dragged down the overall scores of both games. As it stands today, both Pokemon Let’s Go Pikachu and Let’s Go Eevee got an average score of about 4.8 out of 10, making them the only mainline entries in the franchise to get a failing score on Metacritic. Players who posted negative reviews were mostly disappointed with the simplified gameplay and the integration of Pokemon GO mechanics in the Let’s Go games.

pokemon let's go cover

Moreover, several changes introduced became controversial such as the lack of random tall grass encounters that has been present since the beginning of the Pokemon franchise. While players can still find creatures in tall grasses, they are unable to fight them and are only given the option to catch the encountered Pokemon. Players will then rely on other NPC trainers present in the area to engage in Pokemon battle to level up their arsenal.

Also, a few months before the game’s release, the official website of The Pokemon Company revealed that gym battles will be different in Pokemon Let’s Go. Instead of just walking up to certain gyms to fight the leader and earn a badge, players must first complete gym-specific requirements to enter.

It’s interesting to see that most of the negative reviews on Metacritic highlighted missing features that Nintendo made clear in the beginning will not be present in the games. The company has been honest ever since the announcement of both Let’s GoPikachu and Eevee that these will serve as a re-imagining of Pokemon Yellow, with a traditional core game to follow on 2019. While some negative comments pointed out valid reasons, there are still people who failed to grasp that the Let’s Go games have a different target market in mind.

Pokemon Let’s Go Pikachu and Let’s Go Eevee are now available for the Nintendo Switch.

Source: Metacritic [1], [2]