With Pokemon Legends: Z-A on the distant horizon of 2025, the promise of new additions and changes to the Lumiose City players currently know is all but guaranteed. Whether this Lumiose City is set in the past, present, or future, new features of this sprawling city will certainly appear. Still, beyond that, elements found in the original games are just as likely to return.

Since Pokemon X and Y introduced the concept of character customization to the mainline Pokemon games, and with practically every game evolving with the level of detail, it's practically confirmed that Legends: Z-A will have customization as well. Given that Z-A is in part a remake of XY, there's near infinite potential for it to improve the character creation and customization process.

Pokemon Legends: Z-A: 5 Possible Ride Pokemon

When it comes to Ride Pokemon in Legends Z-A, the following examples would certainly make interesting additions.

5 Full Face Customization

Porting Scarlet And Violet's Character Creation

pokemon scarlet violet character customization

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet's character customization, at least in the form of character creation, is easily the best and most detailed level of character creation in the series so far. While the clothing options in Paldea leave much to be desired, the overall control the player has when designing the face and hair of their trainer is fantastic.

With total control over the eye color and shape, freckles and beauty marks, noses, and more, this style of customization would be a wonderful returning aspect in Legends: Z-A. While Legends: Arceus didn't offer quite this level of detail for character design, Scarlet and Violet following after and the later release of Z-A could easily suggest this greater creation option returning in the upcoming game.

4 Mega Stone Accessories

Evolving From A Bracelet To Any Jewelry

The Mega Evolution symbol from the trailer for Pokemon Legends: Z-A

A major element of XY and a major point of hype for Legends: Z-A, the return of mega evolution is a definite plus for the upcoming game. More important for character customization, however, is that the return of mega evolution means the return of mega stones, and thus the return and possibility for mega bracelets of different styles.

Pokemon Legends Z-A Can Atone for Pokemon X and Y’s Greatest Sin

Pokemon Legends Z-A is in a prime position to fix two of the biggest issues with Gen 6 games, which combined make for X and Y's greatest sin.

Shown across different games and in the anime, the potential for all manner of mega evolution jewelry has immense potential when it comes to giving players even more control over their trainer design. From necklaces to glasses to pins and even a lipstick tube, the options are practically endless for new ways to induce mega evolution. Even if the options are stuck to bracelets of different styles, the ability to coordinate the power of mega evolution with the player's fashion is perfect for the Parisian Kalos region.

3 Bringing Back Old Fashion

Updating Classic Options From X And Y

Pokemon XY Player Fashion

Since Pokemon XY was the origin of character customization for mainline games, it would only be fitting for the outfits and accessories available in the first iteration of Kalos to return in this game focused around Lumiose City. With XY and Lumiose City being heavily inspired by Paris, fashion is naturally a central element to the player characters.

Certainly, the clothing items from the original games can and should be updated from their state in 3DS game quality, but the return of the same general look of the clothing would be a fun detail for players familiar with the first version of Lumiose City. The setting of Legends: Arceus prevented a direct callback for the character clothing in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl, making the idea fairly unprecedented given how few entries are in the Legends subseries. Additionally, the most exclusive clothing store in XY is found in Lumiose City, making it a perfect spot for some, if not all, of that fashion to return.

2 Improving Fashion For The Male Character

A Desperately Needed Update

Pokemon XY Galette Stand

For players who selected the male character in XY, the fashion disparity between the male trainer and the female trainer became clear immediately. While the default female trainer has three times as many haircut options and an almost hilarious amount of outfit options, the male character has little more than a handful of shirts, pants, and hats.

Pokemon Legends: Arceus - 5 Mechanics That Should Be In The Next Game

Pokemon Legends: Arceus featured a variety of useful and fun mechanics that many fans would love to see return in Legends: Z-A.

Perhaps the best example of the customization issue between both characters comes in the form of a post-game exclusive article of clothing. The female trainer receives a poodle skirt and Slurpuff-inspired dress, unlike every other dress or full-body outfit in the game, while the male trainer receives a Pangoro-inspired hat. That's it. Thankfully, fashion options in general have improved in most of the mainline games. For the sake of every player picking the male trainer in Legends: Z-A, the fashion needs to be expanded immensely, if not on par with the female trainer.

1 Adding More Clothing Options

Making The Most Of The Parisian Setting


Above all else, and perhaps the most obvious change coming regardless of the setting for Legends: Z-A, the addition of more clothing options would be perfect for this remaster of the Kalos region. Whether clothing fits a historic Lumiose City or a futuristic tone, having more options beyond what was originally found in Kalos is pretty much guaranteed.

With Legends: Arceus providing players with historic Japanese clothing with a wide variety of options between masks and kimonos, the clothing found in Legends: Z-A could truly be anything befitting of the Parisian setting. While the full details of what the fashion may look like are practically impossible to guess without more information on the game, access to more options is always appreciated.

pokemon legends za vertical
Pokemon Legends Z-A

Game Freak