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After taming the first four frenzied Pokemon Nobles and braving the cold winds of the Alabaster Icelands, players will eventually find themselves up against the monstrously large Hisuian Avalugg. This is the last of the five main Noble Pokemon battles in Pokemon Legends: Arceus and one that will require a slightly different approach from those before it due to its increased difficulty level.

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As well as being incredibly strong, the sheer size of the Slumbering Lord of the Tundra makes pacifying it incredibly difficult. Even so, if players remain patient enough, they should be able to deal with the irritable noble without having to retry. Even if they don't, Pokemon Legends: Arceus allows players to carry over their progress into subsequent attempts, making victory more a case of when, rather than if.

How To Beat Avalugg in Pokemon Legends: Arceus


In previous noble battles, players have been able to gradually chip away at the Frenzy meter at the top of the screen as they dodge some of the smaller attacks. This approach isn't really an option in the battle with Avalugg though, as the margins of error are just far too tight for the average player to overcome. Instead, players should wait for the window between attack cycles, where they should be able to clear about 30% of the meter each time.


During the first few cycles, Avalugg will start by firing a near-constant barrage of snowballs from one side of the screen to the other. There are gaps in between them, but, rather than trying to thread the needle, players should dodge from side to side using the Y button instead. Providing they're not standing still when one of the balls makes contact with them, they won't take any damage.


After this, Avalugg uses an attack that causes rows of icicles to shoot out of the ground. The pattern is always the same, with the first row going down the center and then the following two appearing on the left then right sides of the battle area respectively. Players can dodge these with Y if they like, or simply run out of the way of them. The further back they stand, the more time that they'll have to react.


Avalugg's third attack sees it fire a series of icicles from its back that will shoot up into the air and then straight towards the player. When this happens, players should run rather than dodge as they won't have time to get back up after dodging before the next icicle hits. They should run from side to side, being sure to double back on themselves if they reach the edge of the platform on which the battle with Avalugg takes place.


Avalugg's attack cycle will end with a blue beam being fired from one side of the screen to the other, which players will need to jump over using the Y button. It's a little like the expanding green rings from the fight with Lilligant earlier on in the game, but rather than moving towards the beam, players will instead need to jump either left or right. The camera can make this tricky at times, but, with just a little practice, it does get a lot easier.


After the blue ice beam, the noble Lord will get dizzy and players will have a chance to attack using one of their Pokemon. As an Ice / Rock-type, Hisuian Avalugg is incredibly weak to Fighting and Steel-type attacks, though, thanks to it being Level 56 and its innately high physical Attack and Defense stats, it can be a really tough nut to crack. Players should therefore make sure to use a special attacker rather than a physical one, and, ideally, one with a high Physical Defense stat to boot.


Due to its immense strength, many players will likely opt to avoid engaging Avalugg in combat altogether, which is actually a pretty solid approach. Granted, they'll have a little less time to pelt it with Snow Balm in the windows between cycles, though, in reality, this will probably just result in the encounter lasting four cycles rather than three. When the time taken for battles is taken into account, this actually ends up being a little faster.


Avalugg will start to mix things up a bit once its Frenzy meter falls below 50%. This comes in the form of icicles popping out of the ground during the snowball phase and another attack that sees the front portion of the battle arena covered in icicles just before Avalugg fires the blue beam. These are all fairly easy to avoid, however, so players shouldn't really need to adjust their approach to account for them.


Most players should be able to deplete around 30% of the Frenzy meter per cycle, with that number increasing a little if players choose to throw in one of their own Pokemon each time that Avalugg becomes dizzy. Once the meter is empty, the fearsome Lord will revert back to its regular self and give players their tenth elemental plate. After that, it's back to Jubilife Village for the final section of the game.

Pokemon Legends: Arceus is available now for the Nintendo Switch.

MORE: Pokemon Legends: Arceus - Complete Guide & Walkthrough