
  • Pokemon Sleep could potentially introduce limited-time events that allow players to encounter rare and legendary creatures, drawing inspiration from Pokemon Legends: Arceus and using the god Pokemon's presence within dreams there.
  • Cresselia and Darkrai, Pokemon associated with dreams and nightmares, should be featured in Pokemon Sleep too as part of a permanent feature or a random chance event tied to sleep quality.
  • The events in Pokemon Sleep must be carefully designed to maintain the app's cozy sleep-tracking vibe, avoiding clashes with the more active gameplay of other Pokemon games.

Most fans enjoying Pokemon Sleep may not have noticed the events tab in the news section of the game. It's a bit surprising, since the latest release from Select Button and Niantic is serving to help fans track their sleeping habits more than anything else. Even though a sleep tracker app having limited time events seems rather odd, Pokemon Sleep may be the only one that can use it to its advantage.

One of the more curious things about the new mobile Pokemon game is that there's surprisingly no legendary Pokemon for fans to encounter just yet. This likely means that the limited-time events Sleep is planning to implement will deal with encountering rare and legendary creatures. If this is the case, then Generation 4 offers plenty of opportunities on its own, and a great way to take inspiration from that is to follow in the more recent Pokemon Legends: Arceus' adaptation of the region.

Pokemon Legends: Arceus' Use of Sleep and Dreams


In Pokemon Legends: Arceus, players can actually put their character to sleep to pass the time. However, the free Daybreak update added a new feature called the Eternal Battle Reverie. Fans are given this challenge by Arceus itself in their dreams. The Eternal Battle Reverie is considered completed once players reach 50 battles to fight Arceus personally, and a mark will be added to the save file as a reward for their success.

Pokemon Sleep likely won't ever deal with any sort of battle mechanics as it's simply a fun sleep-tracking app, but Select Button could still take inspiration from this to potentially make fun events that fans can run into before or after bed. Arceus could appear to potentially trigger a new sort of mini-game that's judged based on how well players sleep, or maybe ending up with high enough Drowsy Power with Snorlax's strength could open up a gateway to encounter the Pokemon god. Arceus also isn't the only creature in the series commonly associated with dreams.

How Pokemon Sleep Could Include Darkrai and Cresselia


When it comes to associating Pokemon with sleep, it's hard for many fans of the series to not have their minds instantly go to Darkrai and Cresselia, two mythical creatures that are known to rule over dreams and nightmares. It would be a wasted opportunity in more ways than one for Pokemon Sleep to not feature these two in some kind of way during an event. If anything, Darkrai and Cresselia might make more sense as part of a permanent feature to be added in at a later date rather than just a limited-time appearance.

It isn't hard to figure out where the Pitch-Black Pokemon and the Lunar Pokemon could work with the game's mechanics. They could be a random chance event when players review their sleep in the morning, their consistent sleep that night could say whether they had a bad dream or a good dream. These can easily be gauged with Pokemon Sleep's measurement graphs, and shaky periods of sleep could summon Darkrai where calm rest can call upon Cresselia.

However, it's hard to say just exactly what will be possible with Pokemon Sleep's events as the app hasn't hosted any while players learn to make tracking their sleep with the app a consistent habit. Even without that knowledge, however, the sheer amount of Generation 4 Pokemon that could make wonderful appearances that stick with the point of the game makes a Pokemon Legends: Arceus crossover something that Select Button shouldn't sleep on at all. Perhaps, if anything, it could work in reverse as well with these Pokemon Sleep events somehow tying into Pokemon Legends: Arceus gameplay during the daytime.

There's quite a lot on Pokemon Sleep's shoulders when it comes to the app's future events. As many people have been confused as to how Pokemon can gamify sleep of all things, these events need to be designed carefully, so they don't clash with the lackadaisical, cozy vibe of the sleep tracker to where it's counterproductive. After all, if fans wish to grind for Pokemon, they'd play games like Pokemon Scarlet and Violet rather than Sleep.

Pokemon Sleep is available now on Android and Apple devices.