One artistic Pokemon fan has shared their original artwork of how they imagined the human forms of the Bug/Flying-types Ledyba and Ledian. With the pocket creatures having almost no human features, Pokemon fans will likely be interested to see how other community members visualize their favorites if they were actual people in the real world.

There have been plenty of the franchise's artistic community members that have already produced fan art showcasing their favorite Pokemon in human form. And this is likely not the last time the fan base will see this kind of artwork. Fans seem to continue being fascinated by the designs of the pocket creatures and do not seem to grow tired of making original pieces inspired by them. Even though The Pokemon Company introduces new generations of Pokemon every few years, there are still some artists that like to go back to the older generations and use them as inspiration for their art.

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On Reddit, user endifi shares the fan art they made depicting the Gen 2 Johto region Pokemon Ledyba and Ledian as human beings. In the images posted, the pocket creatures now have a human form, complete with faces, limbs, and clothing. Fans will probably be amazed at endifi's 2D art pieces, given that they took iconic looks and colorings from each Pokemon and translated them into their clothing or features. The Ledyba's cape has the recognizable ladybug shape and spots, and the same goes for the artist's human rendition of Ledian.

Small details such as Ledyba's white round hands used as her earrings and feelers turned into a black hair ribbon will likely amuse fellow Pokemon fans. What's more, endifi also added a motorcycle to their Ledian piece, giving the fan art of the pocket creature-turned-human a cool vibe. Many Redditors will likely be familiar with endifi's work as they have previously been making art of Pokemon as human beings and sharing them on the forums. It just seems that the Ledyba and Ledian art are the most current ones from their ongoing project.

Fans of the Pokemon series are likely hopeful that the artist will not slow down with producing their own fan art. Endifi has already reached their 165th and 166th Pokemon from the Pokedex and those who follow their work are probably excited to see what they come up with next. Even though the artist still has a lot of pocket creatures to turn into human forms, hopefully they keep inspired and continue to share their artistic vision with fellow members of the Pokemon community.

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