With the total Pokemon count now at a staggering 890, catching them all is quite a colossal task indeed. While it is currently not possible to put together a complete National Pokedex in Pokemon Sword and Shield, players can assemble all 890 Pokemon through the recently-released Pokemon Home, and fans have now discovered the reward that they will receive for doing so.

Specifically, players that finish the National Pokedex in Pokemon Home will be awarded an Original Color Magearna. For the uninitiated, Original Color Magearna is a unique form of Generation 7's Magearna that has been colored gold and red. While Original Color Magearna has appeared in the Pokemon anime previously, it is not currently obtainable in any of the games, which means that many players are sure to be excited about bringing home this reward.

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That said, it appears that not all fans are currently receiving their Original Color Magearna upon completing Pokemon Home's National Pokedex. While it is possible that the issuing of the reward is simply buggy at this time, some players report that a Living Pokedex is actually required in order to earn Original Color Magearna. This is quite different than simply having to a complete National Pokedex, and hopefully exactly what is happening with this reward will be clarified soon.

Until that happens, though, Serebii.net has provided a potential workaround that some fans may wish to try. This workaround begins with completing the National Pokedex in Pokemon Home and then shifting every Pokemon to the left by one box on the Nintendo Switch. Players should then check the app for their gift, move every Pokemon back one box to the right, and then once again see if their gift has arrived in the app.

Indeed, Serebii.net indicates that this is how it received its Original Color Magearna, but it is certainly not guaranteed to work for everyone. Even still, fans that are looking to kill some time while waiting for Pokemon Sword and Shield's new mythical Pokemon to be revealed, or for the games' highly-anticipated DLC to be released, can cross their fingers and hope that this process will net them an Original Color Magearna.

Pokemon Home is available now on the Nintendo Switch and mobile devices.

MORE: 10 Of The Most Unusual Pokedex Entries