Players of Pokemon GO can take the Weather Cup as an example of a thrilling endgame mode to test their mettle against other Trainers in the hit ARG. The Weather Cup in Pokemon GO works similarly to other tournament formats in how the Cup imposes specific penalties that all participants need to follow. In the case of the Weather Cup, players need to maintain a three-Pokemon team within these Type restrictions: Fire, Ice, Rock, and Water.

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While some might think these restrictions are a bother, some players consider this caveat an exciting challenge to try and overcome with their available selection of Pokemon. And for both newcomers and veterans entering the Weather Cup, here are the most suitable Pokemon Teams out there.

Best Teams for the Pokemon GO Weather Cup

The Meta Sampler (Swampert, Toxapex, Cradily)

  • Swampert (Mud Shot, Hydro Cannon, Earthquake)
  • Toxapex (Poison Jab, Sludge Wave, Brine)
  • Cradily (Bullet Seed, Stone Edge, Grass Knot)

Thanks to the sheer firepower of Swampert, it is easily considered one of the best meta options, especially with how it can dominate most other types with the right arsenal. However, opponents will likely prepare ways of dealing with Swampert on the player’s team, with Meta Sampler being an ideal way of protecting Swampert from immediate danger.

As a frontliner, Swampert is a great way of easily dominating foes should they come ill-prepared to face the powerhouse. And even if players come across a Pelipper or another anti-Swampert, a switch to Toxapex should be able to deal with these threats. Cradily, as a last resort, will still give players a shot against whatever defeated Toxapex and Swampert since Cradily is built precisely to neutralize Grass-Types, the type most likely to eliminate Swampert.

Snowy Setup (Lanturn, Abomasnow, Araquanid)

Snowy Setup
  • Lanturn (Spark, Surf, Thunderbolt)
  • Abomasnow (Razor Leaf, Weather Ball, Energy Ball)
  • Araquanid (Bug Bite, Bug Buzz, Bubble Beam)

A Lanturn on the lead of a team is a natural expectation in the Pokemon GO meta for the Weather Cup due to its sheer ferocity in most match-ups. Lanturn should theoretically have a shot against almost anyone the Weather Cup can throw at it, save for Grass-types and Ground-types that can demolish this powerhouse.

In that regard, a team like Snowy Setup secures the Lanturn’s defense with bulkier Abomasnow and Araquanid, both of which are equipped with Grass, Ice, and Bug Type Moves to precisely deal with advantages that may come at Lanturn’s direction.

Protect The Light (Abomasnow, Lanturn, Bastiodon)

Protect the Light
  • Abomasnow (Razor Leaf, Weather Ball, Energy Ball)
  • Lanturn (Spark, Surf, Thunderbolt)
  • Bastiodon (Smack Down, Stone Edge, Flamethrower)

With Lanturn being a popular member of the Pokemon GO meta, it’s natural for a lot of players to prepare counters in anticipation. However, players can’t easily disregard Lanturn’s presence on the battlefield, especially due to its potential to wreck most anti-meta counters. In that regard, Protect The Light focuses on providing Lanturn with enough defenses to endure tougher fights, particularly through tanks.

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In that regard, Abomasnow becomes the frontline defender, with attacks such as Razor Leaf, Weather Ball, and Energy Ball theoretically being enough to dispose of most threats. Likewise, Bastiodon on the rear with Smack Down and Stone Edge can be debilitating to foes even when dealing neutral damage.

Surfing With The Sea (Pelipper, Lanturn, Toxapex)

Surfing with the Sea
  • Pelipper (Wing Attack, Weather Ball, Hurricane)
  • Lanturn (Spark, Surf, Thunderbolt)
  • Toxapex (Poison Jab, Brine, Sludge Wave)

Considering the likes of Swampert being a powerhouse in the current Pokemon GO meta, players could do well building an anti-Water team via Surfing With The Sea. Taking Pelipper at the lead, its Wing Attack and Hurricane Moves could easily secure the Type Advantage. Not to mention, added backup from Lanturn and Toxapex can ensure neutral damage with their more diversified Lightning and Poison Moves.

The team-up can be a decent performer across the board, with their moves capable of at least trying to deal with most threats while boasting enough durability to tank more powerful Moves. Likewise, they can pivot from one team member to another to deal with advanced threats. A key potential weakness here would be fighting against a Lanturn team, as Pelipper can’t do much against the Pokemon. An alternative in this regard would be switching Pelipper with the team’s own Lanturn and securing the Shield advantage for a victory in a war of attrition.

Leafy Domination (Ludicolo, Cradily, Bastiodon)

Leafy Domination
  • Ludicolo (Razor Leaf, Ice Beam, Leaf Storm)
  • Cradily (Bullet Seed, Stone Edge, Grass Knot)
  • Bastiodon (Smack Down, Stone Edge, Flamethrower)

Despite the prevalence of Abomasnow as a frontline tank in the Pokemon GO meta, Ludicolo becomes a more reasonable choice due to its sheer countering power courtesy of its Razor Leaf and Leaf Storm. In Leafy Domination, Ludicolo gets a great swap option in the form of Cradily, whose extra Grass attacks can spell death to a lot of major attackers.

Bastiodon in the lead can make for a surprise last-ditch effort, especially due to its bulky nature and tendency to wreak havoc on most other teams with its Rock Moves. At the same time, this team doesn’t prioritize immediately dishing out heavy damage and instead goes slow and steady with securing the win.

Toxin At The Lead (Toxapex, Cradily, Swampert)

Toxin at the Lead
  • Toxapex (Poison Jab, Sludge Wave, Brine)
  • Cradily (Bullet Seed, Stone Edge, Grass Knot)
  • Swampert (Mud Shot, Hydro Cannon, Earthquake)

An interesting alternative against the prevailing meta would be a reliance on neutral attacks, something the likes of Toxapex should be able to handle with its Poison-heavy moveset. In Toxin At The Lead, this type of team composition ensures Toxapex is capable of dishing out damage to most threats, with Cradily serving as a decent, safe swap to deal with the likes of Pelipper and Bastiodon who are likely going to be the mainline characters of other teams.

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The presence of Swampert in the team is mainly for deterrence, as its tanky nature can be a last resort in teams where there’s a surefire absence of a Grass-type that can eliminate this powerhouse quickly. Since many teams will likely prepare for a Swampert meta, the team’s own Swampert should only be used as a last resort.

Extra Hard Defense (Regirock, Abomasnow, Ludicolo)

Extra Hard Defense
  • Regirock (Lock On, Stone Edge, Focus Blast)
  • Abomasnow (Razor Leaf, Weather Ball, Energy Ball)
  • Ludicolo (Razor Leaf, Ice Beam, Leaf Storm)

Fans of Pokemon GO who want a more slow and more careful experience in the Weather Cup should consider going for Extra Hard Defense. The key to this build is centering team play around Regirock as a frontliner, whose Moves like Stone Edge and Focus Blast can make quick work of most meta opponents in the mode.

Likewise, Abomasnow, as a safe swap, can easily make it a tank to endure much deadlier attacks, especially with its Razor Leaf that can obliterate the likes of Swampert. And for emergencies, Ludicolo, as another tanky last resort, can force enemies into a battle of attrition to ensure players get an opening to secure the win.

Tanking Supremacy (Bastiodon, Abomasnow, Swampert)

Tanking Supremacy
  • Bastiodon (Smack Down, Stone Edge, Flamethrower)
  • Abomasnow (Razor Leaf, Weather Ball, Energy Ball)
  • Swampert (Mud Shot, Hydro Cannon, Earthquake)

Taking practicality to the forefront would be Tanking Supremacy, with Bastiodon taking the lead to counter a lot of major meta Pokemon GO members with its Smack Down and Stone Edge. Abomasnow becomes the safe swap, courtesy of its Razor Leaf and Energy Ball that should dominate the likes of Swampert in the enemy’s meta. The key strategy here is to constantly swap the two of them to deal with various enemy threats.

Swampert becomes the kill switch here, only taking the lead when there’s absolutely no way for the opponent to counter it or as a last resort. And even then, Swampert should take priority for Shields in order to secure its fragile defenses.

Pokemon GO is available on iOS and Android.

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