Today is a great day for Pokemon GO players who are looking to catch up on some Legendary encounters and fill in some Ultra Beast Pokedex entries. Although many of the Ultra Beasts have been featured in their own raids in recent events, today's Ultra Beasts Arrival event is the perfect catch up opportunity for trainers who missed any of those opportunities or who didn't get lucky with their encounter rewards.

The Ultra Beast Arrival event is one of the Season of Light's last activities, but it's a big one. This one-day limited time event is going to be very Battle Raid focused and highly encourages players to group up and head out to some big Ultra Beast Battle Raids with friends in Pokemon GO. There will even be some special bonuses and features in play to add extra encouragement.

RELATED: Pokemon GO: Buzzwole Raid Guide | Counters and Weaknesses

Trainers have between 11am and 5pm local time to enjoy the Ultra Beast features and work on their Timed Research tasks and rewards. That means that players are going to need to average just over one Battle Raid per hour if they want to reach the end of the chain and earn every encounter along the way. That makes for a pretty busy day, but luckily there will be some very enticing Battle Raid bosses appearing to motivate players to keep grinding away.

Pokemon GO Ultra Beasts Nihilego Buzzwole Pheromosa Xurkitree

Ultra Beast Arrival Timed Research and Rewards

Win a raid - Nihilego encounter

Win 2 raids - Xurkitree encounter

Win 3 raids - Pheromosa encounter

Win 4 raids - Buzzwole encounter

Win 5 raids - Guzzlord encounter

Win 6 raids - Kartana encounter

Win 7 raids - Celesteela encounter

"The mysterious life-forms known as Ultra Beasts have appeared in greater numbers than ever over the past few months—you may have even encountered them yourselves. But if you haven’t caught a glimpse yet, keep an eye out, because even more Ultra Beasts will be making their way here during Ultra Beast Arrival: Global! What do these mysterious creatures want? Where do they come from? What does their arrival mean? Could they be a danger to us? We don’t know for sure. We can only hope Pokémon Trainers around the world are ready for this new challenge."

That should be everything players need to know to face off against this Timed Research challenge and earn some very exciting rewards today to help move one step closer to the end of the Season of Light. Players should be sure to carefully review each Battle Raid boss' weaknesses and the best counters available before they head out and start facing off against the Ultra Beasts.

That should be just about everything that trainers need to know in order to enjoy today's activities. Be sure to check back in the near future for more Pokemon GO news, updates, and strategy guides. Until then, good luck out there, trainers!

Pokemon GO is available now in select regions on Android and iOS devices.

MORE: Pokemon GO: Full Game Guide | Tips, Tricks, and Events