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Ever since it first came out, Pokemon GO has sported an AR mode, which stands for augmented reality mode. Basically, it uses the phone camera to show the world around the player and then overlays Pokemon over reality. AR mode is used when catching Pokemon and playing with a partner Pokemon.

However, AR mode is not for everyone. In fact, a lot of players on social media have mentioned not using or enjoying AR mode in Pokemon GO, as it can make Pokemon more difficult to interact with. AR mode can also make the game lag and drain the phone battery faster. On the positive side, there are ways to toggle AR mode off.

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How To Turn AR Mode Off For Wild Pokemon Encounters

Pokemon Go first generation Pokemon.

The first way to turn off AR mode is from the app's main screen, where the player character is walking around the map. Hit the Pokeball button at the bottom of the screen. From there, Settings will appear in the top right corner of the screen. In settings, scroll down to where it says Niantic AR (AR+). Uncheck the box. This will make it so all the time when catching wild Pokemon, AR mode will be off.

There is a second way to do this, one that does not totally turn AR mode off for every encounter but turns it off during particular encounters. To utilize that one, select a wild Pokemon. In the catch screen, AR mode will have a switch on the top right that can be turned on or off.

How To Turn AR Mode Off For Buddy Pokemon

Player character petting mega Venasaur.

AR mode for buddy Pokemon can feel a little different. When AR mode is on, the player will have to scan the room and wait for footprints to appear to release their Pokemon out somewhere.

If they turn the screen, they can look away from the Pokemon they placed. By unchecking the AR box in Settings, this mechanic will only slightly change. The real world will still be in the background, but the player will no longer have to scan the area and place the Pokemon. Instead, it will automatically come out and stay on the screen.

The Quick Treat option is another way to avoid AR mode even if AR mode is turned on in Settings. Quick Treat lets the player summon their buddy on a darkened screen with no need of placing or moving the screen around.

However, this is different from the Play mode. The player will not get to open buddy gifts, take pictures, or pet them. The Quick Treat option is also only available if the Pokemon isn't full.

Pokemon GO is out now for mobile devices.

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