Pokemon GO is never short on events. Thanks to the seasonal model that Niantic adopted a couple of years ago, the game always has a themed tent under which Niantic can arrange events of all kind, whether they're new Pokemon debuts or Raids making rare Legendary Pokemon available once again. Nevertheless, Pokemon GO is always in the market for creative new event types as well. Niantic is running out of new Pokemon to add to its mobile game, so inevitably, future events will have to plumb the depths of the franchise for concepts that inspire new content.

Niantic may not have to search too hard to find a compelling concept, though. Shiny Pokemon could be the perfect source of inspiration. Because of the way Pokemon GO content gets distributed and the unique pace of its AR gameplay, Shiny Pokemon occupy a very different place in Pokemon GO than they do in most parts of the franchise. Niantic could use that to its advantage by giving fans more special occasions about finding Shiny Pokemon, rather than looking for newly added Pokemon or Legendaries. Shiny hunting is a beloved Pokemon tradition, so it would be great to see Pokemon GO further acknowledge th franchise.

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Shiny Pokemon's Place in Pokemon GO

pokemon go shiny magikarp

Pokemon GO handles Shiny variants different from most games. For one thing, when a new Pokemon arrives in the mobile title, its Shiny variant isn't immediately available; Niantic often waits to make the Shiny version available until much later. As a result, Pokemon GO is missing lots of Shinies. Looking for Shinies in Pokemon GO can be more labor-intensive than in core Pokemon games. Players don't have access to usual Shiny-seeking tools like soft resetting and the Masuda method, meanwhile Pokemon GO inherently requires a lot of real-life legwork. These combined factors can make Shinies hard to come by for all but the most hardcore Pokemon GO players.

With that in mind, casual and hardcore Pokemon GO fans alike would enjoy getting increased access to Shiny Pokemon for once. Pokemon GO Community Days and Spotlight Hours can make Shiny Pokemon easier to come by on occasion, but the intention of these events isn't specifically to spotlight Shinies. Niantic could still arrange new events whereby Shiny Pokemon of various kinds appear more frequently than usual during a short window. Events like these would be a great opportunity to celebrate old Shiny Pokemon, introduce new ones, and revel in a different side of Pokemon than what Pokemon GO usually focuses on.

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A Possible Season of Shiny Pokemon

pokemon go jump start research tasks and rewards

Niantic could very well surprise fans with a Season dedicated to Shiny Pokemon in the future. Past Pokemon GO Seasons have sometimes had nebulous themes, but the Season of Mischief's focus on Hoopa and the current Season of Alola could mean that a Shiny Season is on the table. Players might help Professor Willow with a Special Research line focused on Shiny Pokemon, comparing them to regional variants and other variations on a Pokemon's normal appearance. Although Niantic shouldn't just give dozens of free Shiny Pokemon away, a Shiny Pokemon or two would be a worthwhile reward for completing Shiny-centric Special Research.

Pokemon fans put many hours of work into looking for Shiny Pokemon, including in Pokemon GO. These rare monsters are a core part of Pokemon history. Niantic ought to acknowledge that piece of history through events that encourage players to get in on Shiny hunting for a while. Shiny Pokemon should always be rare finds, but Niantic could consider a temporary bend in that rule to bring Pokemon GO fans together.

Pokemon GO is available now on Android and iOS devices.

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