Pokemon GO players may be busy completing the World Tourism event Field Research tasks, but there's also something more to look forward to in the mobile ARG. These typically includes raid hours and Community Day events that are officially announced, yet the latest comes in the form of a very special tease. It seems as if Rotom, a typically Electric/Ghost-type Pokemon that can possess electronics, may be coming to the game.

This is due to a unique post on official Pokemon GO social media. It's a well-known fact that this social media platform has been used to tease past events and additions, such as the Team Rocket Invasions feature, and the latest hints at Rotom. As seen below, the game issued a tweet stating that "Professor Willow has reported...a suspiscious folder hidden on his computer."

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Before moving forward, it's worth mentioning that this could actually mean any number of things, but Rotom is high on that list in Pokemon GO. For those unfamilar with the Pokemon, it was introduced in Gen 4 but has evolved, so to speak, over time into possessing items like phones. Pokemon Sun and Moon players even had one in their Pokedex. It's currently known to possess microwave ovens (Heat Rotom - Electric/Fire), washing machines (Wash Rotom - Electric/Water), refrigerators (Frost Rotom - Electric/Ice), electric fans (Fan Rotom - Electric/Flying), and lawnmowers (Mow Rotom - Electric/Grass).

pokemon go rotom forms

If this tease does indicate the addition of Rotom to Pokemon GO, then it seems likely it will work in a way similar to Castform. As many know, the weather-based Pokemon changes depending on said weather, and it can be easy to see how this could easily impact Rotom as well.

If this proves to be the case, then Pokemon GO players should expect to see the Pokemon appear in the next couple of days. After all, it wouldn't make much sense to tease it today and add it several months from now, and given the recent addition of Gen 5 Pokemon, it's a good time to tick off as many remaining Gen 4 Pokemon as possible.

Pokemon GO is out now in select regions for Android and iOS.

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