Since its inception, Pokemon GO has encouraged gamers to get up and get out there to find their favorite pocket monsters. Niantic has partnered with a number of groups and companies in the past to create PokeStops, encouraging foot traffic to businesses while also keeping players engaged and checking back on the app wherever they go.

That same principle is now being applied to getting players to donate blood to those in need. The Japanese Red Cross and Pokemon GO are now sharing a partnership to reward players who donate blood with Pokemon GO gifts.

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In an official post on the Pokemon GO Japanese website, the developer revealed the partnership. The Japanese Red Cross blood donation locations are now becoming PokeStops in the game, encouraging players to visit and spin the PokeStop to get useful items in Pokemon GO. According to the news release, 'specially designed' gifts will be awarded by these PokeStops, though it's unclear how they may vary from the standard items received from spinning a PokeStop.

Pokemon Blissey

Of course, due to the mechanics of the game, it may be possible for players to simply get close enough and spin the PokeStop without donating blood. However, the hope is that anyone who regularly walks with Pokemon GO and goes through the trouble of going there will consider making a donation, as well. Blood is constantly in demand to help those in need, whether they have an ongoing health issue, have experienced a major physical trauma, or are undergoing a life-saving surgical procedure. Since there are multiple blood types and donated blood can't be saved indefinitely, constant donations are necessary to maintain a supply. The Japanese Red Cross seems hopeful that this will make a big impact, as it's requesting that anyone interested in donating make an appointment to avoid overcrowding or long lines.

This isn't the first time in recent memory that a Nintendo-associated property has been tied in to real-world health issues and needs. Mario Kart was recently utilized to help encourage people to go out and get COVID-19 booster shots. The connection between those two subjects is tenuous at best, and it's not clear if it had any impact on those who had yet to be vaccinated. However, encouraging people who already walk around regularly to find Pokemon to give blood isn't a bad idea. They'll likely be of a relative level of fitness and health, making them more likely to be good candidates to give.

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Source: Pokemon GO Live