Pokemon GO has all-new timed research available in-game. The Psychic Spectacular is a returning event that manyplayers are excited to do and receive fun rewards, including some increased XP for catching Pokemon with curveballs. This timed research event is free for everyone, and does not require players to purchase a ticket.

Those that participate in the Pokemon GO event will have the chance to some encounters with Solosis, a Psychic-type Pokemon. During this event, trainers will also have a chance to catch a Shiny Solosis for the first time. Below are all the research tasks and rewards that trainers will get upon completing these events.

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Psychic Spectacular Research Tasks and Rewards


The tasks for this event are pretty simple, mainly involving a bunch of curveballs. Players will be required to make a certain amount of curveballs per task, all of these stacking on top of each other to be able knock out the task even quicker. The event will run from Wednesday, September 20, 2023 at 10 am until Sunday, September 24, 2023, at 8 pm local time. Below is a list of all the tasks and what their reward is.

  • 5 Curveball Throws – Solosis Encounter
  • 10 Curveball Throws – Solosis Encounter
  • 15 Curveball Throws – Solosis Encounter
  • 20 Curveball Throws – Solosis Encounter
  • 25 Curveball Throws – Solosis Encounter
  • 30 Curveball Throws – Solosis Encounter
  • 30 Curveball Throws – Solosis Encounter
  • 42 Curveball Throws – Solosis Encounter

Trainers will have until this event ends to complete each timed research task and get their Solosis encounters.

How to Throw a Curveball in Pokemon GO

Throwing curveballs in Pokemon GO is something that many trainers might have had to learn how to do if no one told them how, considering it is a bit different of a technique than just throwing the ball at the Pokemon. Players will need to place their finger on the Pokeball and spin it around. If it is done correctly, players will see sparkles appear around the ball before throwing it.

Any Pokeball can be thrown using the curveball technique, including Master Balls.After spinning the ball by moving one's finger in a circular movement, the player just has to release it off to the side. Doing so will cause the ball to curve and head straight toward the Pokemon. This tends to be a lot easier to do than a normal throw after a trainer gets used to it.

Pokemon GO is available on mobile devices.

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